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MC to start work on Manimajra bridge

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Indian Express    21.10.2010

MC to start work on Manimajra bridge

Express News Service Tags : Municipal Corporation, planned bridge in Manimajra, construction, chandigarh Posted: Thu Oct 21 2010, 03:47 hrs

Chandigarh:  The Municipal Corporation (MC) will finally start construction of the planned bridge in Manimajra. After pending for the past four years, the tender has been allotted and work on the bridge is expected to be taken up. The foundation stone for the bridge was laid in 2006 by Union minister Pawan Bansal. An amount of Rs 41 lakh had been approved for the bridge but the civic body had not been able to find a taker for the contract.

The residents had been facing problems during heavy rains as the existing bridge is in bad shape. During the monsoons, it submerges under water. “The work of construction of the bridge has been allotted and will be starting soon. It had been a long pending demand of the residents. They had been facing trouble during the rains. The existing bridge is no longer in a shape to be used,” said area councillor Gurcharan Dass Kalaa.

The proposal to construct the bridge had faced a lot of hurdles. Between 2006 and 2007, tenders were invited six times but no response was received. Thereafter, a number of new buildings came up in the area. Officials informed that the hydraulic data of the area too had changed. The plan for the bridge had to be modified as the one made earlier was not suitable to the changing needs. The population of the area and the traffic too was increasing rapidly. After working out the new plans, tenders were recently invited again and the allotment was made. Chief Engineer S S Bida said that after many failures, the tenders had at last been successfully allotted.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 October 2010 10:42