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Parking lots in bad shape, councillor to move court

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Indian Express                 01.11.2010

Parking lots in bad shape, councillor to move court

Express News Service Tags : Municipal Council, Kuljit Singh Bedi, parking lot Posted: Mon Nov 01 2010, 04:44 hrs

Mohali:  A majority of parking lots in Mohali are in a bad shape but the state government is least bothered to improve their condition. For almost a year, Municipal Council (MC) is still awaiting government nod to its resolution to construct the parking lots in four main markets estimated to cost over Rs 1 crore.

Irked over with the inordinate delay, a local municipal councillor Kuljit Singh Bedi has served a legal notice to the state government, threatening to move court if the mandatory approval was not accorded to the works within 15 days. It was in December 2009 that the MC had adopted an unanimous resolution to construct concrete metaled roads in the parking lots of different parking lots in the city.

While the works estimated to cost less than Rs 10 lakh were undertaken, the works in four markets — Phase 3B2, V, VII and X — which were among the busiest markets, could not take off yet awaiting administrative sanction from the state government.

As per norms, the development works estimated to cost more than Rs 10 lakh could not take off until and unless the Director, Local Government (DLG) accords administrative sanction for the same.

Since the works of these four parking lots were estimated to cost over Rs 25 lakh each, the civic body was still awaiting the DLG’s nod. “DLG neither accorded the nod nor raised any objection over the same, which shows his indifference towards the plight of Mohali residents,” lamented Bedi. In a legal notice served on DLG, the councillor demanded mandatory sanction within 15 days otherwise he will move the competent court seeking necessary directions and damages for the delay and increase in cost as well. 

“In the past nine months, the estimated cost has also gone up while the public is suffering a lot,” argued Bedi, while holding the DLG responsible for the delay. He said in case the work was not completed before the onset of winters, it will have to be delayed till next summers when the tarcoal will be available after winters.

Councillor also referred to a case filed by a local hotelier Nirankar Singh, wherein the Punjab and Haryana High Court had directed MC to repair parking lot in one of the busiest markets in the city within stipulated time period.

Last Updated on Monday, 01 November 2010 10:13