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‘Excess’ land was notified to BMIC: State

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The New Indian Express                          05.04.2013

‘Excess’ land was notified to BMIC: State

In a move that could possibly bring relief to people fighting for their land in the Bangalore-Mysore Infrastructure Corridor (BMIC) area, the State government for the first time has admitted that excess lands have been notification for the project.

The government, in an affidavit filed before the Supreme Court on February 27, has admitted that 7,709 acres of excess land have indeed been notified for the BMIC project being carried out by Nandi Infrastructure Corridor Enterprises Ltd (NICE).

“The State government is supposed to acquire 13,237 acres of private land, including 5,500 acres for toll road and 7,737 acres for five townships, according to the Schedule-I of the framework agreement.

“However, the state government has issued notification to the extent of 20,946 acres of private land under section 28 of the  Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Act. Thereby, 7,709 acres have been notified in excess,” the affidavit said.

Interestingly, the State government also stated that it attempted twice to elicit information regarding the details of land required by NICE, however, it had failed to furnish the same.

“The State government is unable to hand over land  for completing the project (20,193 acres required for the project in the light of impugned High Court order of 15 June, 2011) as NICE has not been able to identify the lands.”

The affidavit further states that the State government out of the 7,709 acres that had been erroneously notified for acquisition, had already de-notified 2,728 acres on March 25, 2004.

Decision on denotifying the rest of the lands will be taken soon.

“Various organisations and land owners are demanding de-notification of the remaining 4,981 acres which are not required for the project and they have been agitating stating that the company is seeking excess land, particularly close to Bangalore, and the land is being handed over by the Government to help the project company financially,” the affidavit states.

The affidavit says that the Supreme Court must quash the SLP filed by NICE seeking a stay on the Karnataka High Court order delivered on June 15, 2011, in Sukumaran’s case, and that it is in the ‘public interest’ to take further action in respect of certain irregularities as observed by the High Court.

Vinay Srinivasan, member of Alternative Law Forum and BMIC Viruddha Janandolan, said the government changed its stand following the sustained protests.

However, NICE officials claimed they do not want any land in excess of 20,193 acres required for the project.