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Nagpur Municipal Corporation to construct 241 more bus stops

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The Times of India             24.09.2013

Nagpur Municipal Corporation to construct 241 more bus stops

NAGPUR: The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) will construct 241 more bus stops in various parts of the city taking the total number to 394. The civic body will not have to spend a single rupee and instead earn royalty of Rs 13.67 lakh per annum for ten years from these.

The standing committee in its meeting held on Monday approved the proposal to give work order for construction of 197 bus stops on built, operate and transfer basis to Pune-based M/s Greenthumb Innovators. The agency will construct bus stops and maintain for ten years and will be given advertising rights on the shelters. Already, it is having the order to construct 197 bus stops since 2009. It has constructed 153 of 197 and will go for remaining 44 along with 197 new ones.

Chairman of standing committee Avinash Thakre told media that higher royalty will come to NMC from new bus stops compared to old ones. "NMC is getting Rs 1.79 lakh per annum from the agency according to the old agreement. Now it has been revised and the NMC will get Rs 13.67 lakh per annum from the agency for new bus stops. The revised rate will not be applicable told old ones," he said.

The standing committee approved four other proposals on the agenda. One was related to surveying and issuing photo identify cards to people living in shanties and houses constructed in 291 notified slum areas before 1995. NMC will incur double expense on this work. Thakre and officials said the state government has asked NMC to execute the work on July 12, 2001. NMC gave work to four agencies for Rs 14 lakh. Total 70,199 shanties and houses were identified and issued forms. However, only 30,000 persons submitted the forms. The beneficiary was to deposit charges under the project. Only 5,428 completed the formalities and cards were issued to 1,757 beneficiaries. The work was stopped in 2004.

Now, NMC has decided to complete the work again starting with survey according to fresh directives from the government. On Monday, the standing committee earmarked Rs 28 lakh for the left over work, almost double the initial cost. The cards are a must to the beneficiaries for forming societies.

Interestingly, the committee decided to award the work to second lowest bidder for construction of sports complex in Mahal ward as the lowest bidder had been blacklisted. Thakre said the official concerned claimed work order could be given to second lowest bidder. "Official from slum department in earlier meeting had said the second lowest bidder cannot be given work order. In this case it was approved as claimed by the official concerned," he said.