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MCC pool goes cool with LED lights

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The Times of India           07.10.2013 

MCC pool goes cool with LED lights

MANGALORE: There is a sense of excitement among swimmers using the MCC swimming pool at Lady Hill. A move by the civic body to replace the earlier lighting system with more energy efficient LED lamps has given the pool a cool look much to the delight of the swimmers.

The new lighting system is making the pool look a lot brighter and the swimmers feel it is the perfect gift to mark the 25th year of the pool.

For Narendra Nayak, a regular swimmer at the pool, the LED lights installed by MCC is nothing sort of a revelation. "LED lights in Mangalore City Corporation Mangala swimming pool have become a reality with the help of new commissioner Ajith Kumar. The swimmer(s) love the new look," says Narendra.

The place looks brighter than Mysore Palace lit up for Dasara, says Sanoor Kamath, a swimmer.

Ramesh Bejai, manager of the pool, told TOI that the decision by the city corporation to go in for LED lights is a well thought out move.

"Our old lighting system was not good enough and the swimmers especially senior citizens felt apprehensive using the pool premises after dusk. The poles installed when the pool was built had rusted and the electrical wiring, too, had corroded. This is giving electrical shocks to unsuspecting pool users, he adds.

The MCC pool was dedicated for the public use by former Union minister for youth affairs and sports M Margaret Alva in the presence of then mayor C K Bantwal on January 16, 1987. The pool- a 50 metre by 25 metre facility with six lanes - is capable of hosting state-level swimming championships, Ramesh says.

With eight batches - four in the morning and four in evening - the demand for better facilities is on the rise and the new lighting system is a beginning.

K S Linge Gowda, AEE, MCC, says the old lighting system needed some warming up in case of power failure unlike the new LED lights that come on instantly once the generator is turned on.

With Ajith Kumar Hegde, MCC commissioner, too, a regular user of the pool, the swimmers can be assured of better facilities at the pool, says Ravichandra KT, a swimmer.

Linge Gowda said plans are afoot to renovate the rest of the pool infrastructure including the toilets and changing area.