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Udupi CMC meet discuss bad roads, delayed garbage disposal

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The Times of India            30.10.2013

Udupi CMC meet discuss bad roads, delayed garbage disposal

UDUPI: The first general body meeting of the newly-elected Udupi Municipal Council held under the chairmanship of president Yuvaraj on Tuesday saw heated discussions on issues like delay in garbage disposal, bad roads and illegal renting out of land to migrated labourers.

Bringing the notice of the council to the plight of migrant labourers, Ambalapady ward councillor Vasanthi Shetty said that a person has illegally rented out land to migrated labourers to build huts in his ward adjacent to the National Highway 66.

"There are no toilets in the compound and the labourers use open spaces to attend nature's call," she said. She also asked the authorities concerned to take steps to find a solution to the delay in disposal of garbage in her ward.CMC commissioner Srikanth Rao assured her that necessary action will be taken to resolve both the issues.

Ajjarakad ward councillor, Yashpal Suvarna said that solar lights should be fixed in Bhujanga Park. "Even after several protest, people continue to dump garbage near the park. CMC should take action to shift the garbage to the dumping yard in Alevoor," he added.

Sumithra R Nayak, councillor of Parkala ward, said congested roads in Parkala town are creating problems for motorists. "Road widening works should be taken up on priority basis in Parkala," she added.

Rao informed the council that Rs 70 lakh has been set aside repair works on roads under CMC limits. "The fund is meant for filling potholes. The works will begin shortly," he added.

MLA Pramod Madhwaraj, who attended the meeting, said that he has requested the chief minister to sanction Rs 10 crore to Udupi CMC for taking up road repair works ahead of Paryaya Mahothsav in January.

Opposing a move by the council to form committees in wards represented by councillors belonging to opposition parties, BJP councillors said that it is against the law. The Congress has the majority in the council.