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Urban Infrastructure

KMC to set up 8 foot overbridges in city

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The Statesman               12.06.2013 

KMC to set up 8 foot overbridges in city

KOLKATA,: The Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) will set up eight foot overbridges in the city on private public partnership (PPP) model.

This will help smooth flow of traffic in the city.  

The expression of interest for the private partner will be floated soon. The decision was taken at KMC headquarters yesterday. Officers of city police's traffic wing also attended the meeting.

The foot overbridges will come up at Tollygunge Phari, Rajabazar, near Lord's Bakery crossing, opposite South city, Deshpriya park, near Ballugunge Siksha Sadan school, Park Circus connector and Moulali. Another built by CESC will come up near its shopping mall on Syed Amir Ali Avenue. All the foot bridges will be fitted with escalator. However, no foot overbridge will be set up at Esplanade near K C Das intersection as desired by the city police.   

The private partner will be allowed to put up advertisements on the foot bridges and collect revenue. Earlier,  there was a proposal to set up a foot overbridge at Ballygunge phari. 

Senior police officers said construction of the foot bridges will help ease traffic movement in the city. All of them will come up at intersections where traffic jam has become a regular feature almost every day. As the foot overbridges will be fitted with escalators elderly people will not face any problem using them. There will be traffic volunteers to request pedestrians to use the escalators.  

Once the expression of interest is settled, private firms will start installing them. There is a proposal to set up more escalators in the city.


681 works to be taken up

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The Hindu              12.06.2013

681 works to be taken up

Staff Reporter

The sprawling and perennial Vayambachira pond, situated near Mannanthala, is all set to get a major facelift with the City Corporation including the restoration of the waterbody in the list of minor and major works to be taken up during the current financial year.

The renovation of the pond forms part of 681 works to be implemented by the civic body at a cost of Rs.48 crore in the 100 wards that fall within its limits. A detailed plan would be submitted shortly to the District Planning Committee for its approval, Work standing committee chairman V.S Padmakumar told The Hindu .

As part of renovation, the Vayambachira pond would be desilted to increase its storage capacity and a boundary wall would be constructed to prevent any sort of encroachment. A pathway would also be constructed around the pond. The civic body was also mulling on the option of arranging boating facility, he said. The other major works planned are construction of 11 Anganwadis, maintenance of school buildings, beautification of parks, construction of an open air auditorium at Pettah, and improvement of markets. The plan of things also includes construction of at least 8 kilometre new interior roads and maintenance of existing roads.

Out of the Rs.48 crore earmarked for the projects, Rs.22 crore would come as plan funds, Rs.20 crore as maintenance grant and remaining Rs.6 crore would be sourced from the civic body’s own resources.


Mayor directs Greater Hyderabad civic body to build ramp to Moula Ali hill

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The Times of India               12.06.2013

Mayor directs Greater Hyderabad civic body to build ramp to Moula Ali hill

HYDERABAD: Mayor MohdMajidHussain has directed Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) officials to provide a ramp uptoMoula Ali hill. He asked the engineering wing to prepare estimates in the next 10 days for the work.

The mayor along with MIM MLA Syed Ahmed Pasha Quadri, MLCSyedAltafHyderRazvi and other officials visited Moula Ali Kaman, the over 400-year-old historic shrine on top of the hill.

After the inspection, Charminar MLA Ahmed Pasha Quadri said that several representations were given to provide a ramp to the hill as the pilgrims, especially aged ones, have been facing problems in reaching the spot.

The mayor said estimates would be prepared and placed before the standing committee and works will be taken up in two phases. In the first phase, the ramp works from Khushal Khan Kaman to Aashurkhana, Azrath Abbas NeemBada would be taken up, while the remaining work would be taken up in the second phase as it requires technical assistance due to the steep rocks.


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