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Urban Infrastructure

Footpath, cycling projects in bad shape

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The Times of India              06.12.2010

Footpath, cycling projects in bad shape

PUNE: Footpaths and cycle tracks do not seem to be on the priority list of the Pune Municipal Corporation.

Even as the corporation busies itself preparing for next year's budget, it is imperative to note that the progress in construction of footpaths and cycle tracks, as planned ten months ago in the draft budget for 2010-11, has been poor.

A survey conducted by Parisar, a city-based environment organisation, has revealed that of the 63 non-motorised transport (NMT) works inspected by it, only 19 have been completed so far. Total 99 NMT projects were listed in the PMC's budget this year. The survey found that 25 projects are yet to start. The situation of cycling projects is worse. Of the seven projects, the PMC has started work on just one.

"Going by the present situation, it is not surprising that pedestrians and cyclists are increasingly endangered in the city. About 160 pedestrians were killed in the city last year when the PMC had set an ambitious goal of having 50 per cent of all commutation by foot or by cycle with zero fatalities," said Sujit Patwardhan, a trustee of Parisar. He said that if Pune is to become a NMT-friendly city, the PMC must first revitalise the currently defunct NMT cell and empower it with sufficient capacity and authority. Patwardhan suggested that the PMC should also initiate an exercise to adopt detailed street design guidelines that promote pedestrian and cycling tracks, as done by Delhi recently.

The PMC this year had allocated Rs 54.3 crore for NMT projects, of which a major chunk, i.e. Rs 53 crore, has been allocated for footpaths. The remaining Rs 1.3 crore has been allocated for cycle tracks. Parisar said that with every passing year, the allocation for NMT projects is getting thinner. As of now, it is just seven per cent of the total 814 crore marked for capital intensive works in the transport sector.

PMC additional city engineer Vivek Kharwadkar, who is in-charge of the NMT cell, did not respond to phone calls made by this journalist on Wednesday. PMC's chief traffic planner and additional city engineer Shriniwas Bonala said he would not comment as he was not in-charge of the NMT cell.


Civic body panel approves draft of regulations for swimming pools

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Indian Express  03.12.2010

Civic body panel approves draft of regulations for swimming pools

The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) legal committee on Thursday approved the draft of rules and regulations for the construction and operation of the swimming pools in its jurisdiction along with the safety measures at the pool owned by civic as well as private parties.

The Indian Express had been highlighting the delay in approving rules and safety norms for the swimming pools as they were pending for long at various stages since its framing in 2002. “The proposal was pending for long and it needed to be approved as soon as possible. There was no full quorum for the meeting but I called up the members so that the proposal can be approved after clearing all doubts. A long discussion was held before approving it,” said Sulochana Tupe, chairperson of legal committee.

The proposal was first tabled in the city improvement committee in 2002 and the powers to take decision were given to the chairperson. Since there was no decision for a long time, the municipal secretary in 2009 brought it to the notice of city improvement committee that the decision should be taken by chairperson. The proposal would now be tabled in the general body for final approval and then will be sent to the state government before implementation.

Around 80 swimming pools owned by institutions, clubs and civic bodies have upgraded safety measures with life guards during operations. The concern remains for the over 100 swimming pools in the housing complex manned by people who are not trained. A few incidents have been highlighting the need of rules but it were getting delayed.

Around 80 swimming pools owned by institutions, clubs and civic bodies have upgraded safety measures with life guards during operations. The concern remains for the over 100 swimming pools in the housing complex manned by people who are not trained. A few incidents have been highlighting the need of rules but it were getting delayed.

Last Updated on Friday, 03 December 2010 10:05

Sophia skywalk to get three elevators

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The Deccan Herald  03.12.2010

Sophia skywalk to get three elevators

Bangalore, December 2, DHNS :

Three elevators will come up at the newly-constructed foot-over-bridge near Sophia High School - two on either side of the school and one towards the war memorial.







Inspecting the bridge on Thursday, BBMP Commissioner Siddaiah held a detailed discussion on safety measures with experts, Prof B K Raghu Prasad of the Indian Institute of Science, and H Rajasimha, Technical Advisor, BBMP, among others.

Prasad said a load test will be conducted and if necessary, steps will be taken to strengthen the structure.

Siddaiah has asked the Palike officials to provide a six feet high mesh along the railings of the staircase and elevated footpath to ensure safety of schoolchildren. He has also instructed the officials to make arrangements to fill the gaps along the staircase and pathway and to provide roofing over the stairs.

In addition to the three lifts, there is also a demand for constructing an additional stairway towards the golf course.

Under the public private partnership model, the BBMP plans to construct seven foot-over-bridges on the recommendation of the expert committee.

Private agencies will construct and maintain these overbridges against advertisement rights for an initial period of five years which shall be renewed for a further period of 25 years as per a Government Order issued in 2004.

The Commissioner of BBMP, Mr. Siddaiah has taken a very wise decision of providing Sky Walks near the schools and should also consider providing these where the traffic density is very high. The Sky Walks will not be useful for the public to cross unless it is provided with escalators and it should be friendly to Physically Challenged persons also. The Public should use this facility if it is made Pedestrian Friendly. Good Move by BBMP to Provide Sky Walks.

Last Updated on Friday, 03 December 2010 06:13

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