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Urban Infrastructure

Civic body gets a new Gandhi Hall

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Indian Express   31.08.2010

Civic body gets a new Gandhi Hall

Express News Service Tags : corporation, gandhi hall Posted: Tue Aug 31 2010, 06:27 hrs

Ahmedabad:  Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday inaugurated the swanky new Gandhi Hall in the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) building in Danapith to replace the old Gandhi Hall that has been converted into a city heritage centre. The new hall can accommodate 220 seats against the present enhanced number of 192 councillors post-delimitation. There are 129 councillors in the current House.

A-wing, one of the three in the AMC, has been turned into a heritage centre with an exhibition on the origin and history of Ahmedbad displayed in pictures and a large-size model of the city that will cover nearly two-thirds of the floor area of the ground-floor hall. City-based historian Dr Rizwan Qadri was seen explaining the finer details to Modi on Sunday.

The B wing, which is the existing five-storied building housing offices of mayor, commissioner and of political parties, will serve as the full-fledged office for the Central Zone of AMC. This will complete the series of all six zones having their own buildings.

The C-wing will be the AMC headquarters with the new Gandhi Hall on the sixth floor. The building housing the municipal cooperative bank will be pulled down and it may serve as parking space, sources say.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 August 2010 11:31

‘Clear debris on city footpath’

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The Deccan Herald  31.08.2010

‘Clear debris on city footpath’

Mandya, August 30, DHNS:

The successful footpath clearance drive taken up by Mandya City Municipal Council has brought hopes among the residents.

The officials and the people had long forgotten that these roads had footpath as the commercial establishments and shops had completely encroached the pedestrian space by extending their shops. It is also said that the drive gained momentum after M J Chikkanna took charge as the in-charge president of CMC.

Except Guthalu road, the works are complete on all the other roads in the city. Now the question that has loomed large among the citizens is ‘What is the next course of action?’
The works on relaying and developing footpath for pedestrian use should be taken up on warfooting as the roads are filled with debris. The development should be done keeping in view the next 50 years in mind, opine citizens.

 Moreover, they also suggested that the Deputy Commissioner himself should monitor the works on removing the electric poles and installing cables and grills. As much as Rs 1.3 crore are sanctioned under the Chief Minister’s  small and medium city development project for the city of which Rs 60 lakh for 100 ft road , Rs 30 lakh for Vivekananda 2nd Main Road and Rs 40 lakh for V V Road.

The debris that has been left over after the footpath clearance drive should be cleared before it has an impact on the health of the public and causing trouble for the vehicular traffic. The traders and footpath vendors have already submitted a memorandum to Deputy Commissioner and Chikkanna in this regard.

Meanwhile, Chikkanna has clarified that since there is sufficient funds the footpath works would begin next week.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 August 2010 10:55

City Corporation moots yet another project

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The New Indian Express  31.08.2010

City Corporation moots yet another project

THIRUVANATHAPURAM: While there is no reprieve in sight for citizens from the stray dog menace, the City Corporation seems to believe in miracles. Yet another project to manage the population of stray dogs was approved by the Corporation Council on Monday to be submitted to the District Planning Committee (DPC).

The Rs 15-lakh project has been envisaged to extend the Animal Birth Control  (ABC) programme to more veterinary hospitals, so that the project finds its objective. As of now, only two hospitals in the city, Pettah and PMG vet hospitals,  have the facility to implement the ABC programme. ‘’This needs to be facilitated in other hospitals also for the ward-wise managing of stray dogs to become possible, which is why the new project has been launched,’’ officials said.

But the mention of stray dogs led to a pandemonium in the Council, with the Opposition asking what was being done in the ABC programme that needed such regular funding. ‘’Already, lakhs have been spent on curbing the menace, but the common people have found no solace,’’ Opposition leader Maheswaran Nair said.

Amidst shouting queries from the Opposition as to how the menace would be tackled, the ruling front passed the buck on to the State Government, saying that they have asked the big bosses to intervene. ‘’We have conveyed the problem to the Government and asked for help to solve the issue,’’ Mayor C Jayan Babu said.

With the code of conduct all set to be in effect anytime from mid-September, many matters were discussed in the Council and passed, without they being in the agenda.  Kuriathi Sasi, from the Opposition, opposed the passing of six matters by the Welfare Standing Committee, saying that it was a wrong precedence to be set. However, most of the Standing Committee Chairmen stuck to the sentence that, ‘’they are important, as they have to be sent to the DPC for approval.’’

The Works Standing Committee also approved funds for the road works which the Opposition said have been stalled at many places for months now.

The five officers who were deputed for six months for supervising the road works when new wards are created have been given an extension of six months, the Deputy Mayor said.

The Council also congratulated the selfless work of  Cleanwell unit members and Corporation employees in making the city clean after the Onam week procession on Saturday. Though it was a Sunday, employees came on duty by 5 am and the city looked clean by 7 am, the Mayor said. A special felicitation was offered to the employees at a function held at the Council lounge after the meeting.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 August 2010 10:07

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