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Urban Infrastructure

Officials' transfer may hit Corporation projects

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The New Indian Express      22.06.2010

Officials' transfer may hit Corporation projects

KOCHI: At a time when the Kochi Corporation is gearing up to complete some of the prestigious projects in the city, the transfer of top officials from various infrastructure-related departments, it is feared, may affect the implementation of the projects.

The civic administrators said the transfer of officials when local body elections are fast approaching would affect the continuity of the development projects that are halfway.

"Recently, the Corporation had announced the draft plan for the projects to be included in the People's Plan Campaign 201011. But, with the shuffling of a majority of top officers, it may become difficult for the new officials to understand and implement the projects in a timebound manner," a senior Corporation councillor said.

The list of officials who are transferred, and those who have taken voluntary transfer include K G Sahuji, project manager for KSUDP and JNNURM, chief engineer Baburaj, project engineer Nahas, and town planning officer Raju Jose.

It was only one and a half months ago that Ajit Patel was appointed the Corporation Secretary.

The post was filled after it was lying vacant for almost six months.

"A majority of the officials have been replaced by experienced hands, but the problem is that they are new to the city and it will take time for them to study the issues and various projects. Also, these officials will have to present various State and Central Government projects in the city," the councillor said.

Apart from this, the revenue officer, accounts officer, council secretary, and health officer were also appointed recently following the retirement of employees in April 2010.

"The State Government is liable to provide 3Fs finance, functions and functionaries to the local bodies. But, the recurrent transfer of employees shows that it has failed to provide the 'functionary part'," the councillor added. As the civic elections are slated for September, the Corporation will be in a hurry to complete various infrastructure development projects it has taken up. But, the transfer of top level officials will only make matters worse, he added.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 June 2010 11:03

Work to provide box culvert to be delayed

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The Hindu     21.06.2010

Work to provide box culvert to be delayed

Rajesh B. Nair

PWD entrusted a contractor with the work on November 27, 2009

— Photo: T. Singaravelou

unfinished: The box culvert underneath the extended portion of the airport runway in Puducherry.

PUDUCHERRY: The work to provide a box culvert to accommodate the sewer line underneath the extended portion of the airport runway here is going on at a slow pace.

The Public Works Department entrusted a contractor with the work to construct the box culvert on November 27, 2009, after the sewer line got damaged during runway extension work.

As per the work order, the contractor was expected to complete the work before May 27 this year. Inquiries by The Hindu revealed that only 50 per cent of work was complete. It would take at least three more months for the works to be completed.

Directive to contractor

When contacted, a senior official of the Public Works Department told The Hindu that the contractor had been asked to speed up the work. “We wanted to complete the work by August. The delay was owing to special nature of the work.

“The ductile pipe, which carries sewage, has to be specially ordered. The pipe is of one-metre diameter,” the officer said.

Once the box culvert is ready, the damaged portion of the runway has to be filled with sand before repairing the runway.

It was reliably learnt that the Airports Authority of India had asked the territorial administration to bear the expenditure towards filling the damaged portion.

The expenditure of the culvert work, Rs. 9.31 crore, would be borne by the Puducherry Tourism Department.

After approval from the government, the Tourism Department had approached the Housing Urban Development Corporation to sanction Rs 9.31 crore as loan, officials said.

The civil works for expanding the 1,280-metre runway by another 220 metre were suspended at the airport in March last year after the sewer line was damaged. But for the damaged portion of the runway, other expansion works have already been completed, they said.

Last Updated on Monday, 21 June 2010 05:16

VMC plans ‘box culvert' in One Town area

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The Hindu      21.06.2010

VMC plans ‘box culvert' in One Town area

Staff Reporter

VIJAYAWADA: The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) is planning construction of an additional outfall drain in the One Town to meet future requirements.

The corporation has prepared a detailed project report (DPR) for constructing a ‘box culvert' parallel to the existing outfall drain near Nizam gate. It is one of the components of modernisation of drainage system in the One Town.

The VMC has asked the State government to consider the One Town problem “as a special case” and release funds required for it. The officials are waiting for the response from the State government.

The corporation is also planning to submit a proposal to the Central government for taking up the outfall drain under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) programme, sources say.

Heavy load

The new outfall drain is mooted in view of “heavy load” on Nizam gate and Gandhi hill outfall drains, which were constructed during the British rule. These outfall drains are not sufficient for flushing out the storm water swiftly. It may be recalled that these drains were choked last year leading to inundation of One Town.

It is learnt that the Railways informed the VMC that it would construct the proposed drain if the requisite amount was deposited to it. The VMC, however, has not yet approached it. Generally, the Railways take up construction if the bridges, flyovers, road over bridges etc pass through its property, officials explain.

Mayor M.V. Ratna Bindu reportedly brought the issue to the notice Animal Husbandry Minister K. Parthasarathy and urged him to use his good offices for the release of funds.

Storm drain

The VMC is also planning to construct a storm drain from Jenda Chettu centre to eastern main canal of the Krishna. The objective of this storm water drain is to prevent the inundation of One Town when it rains heavily.

The VMC estimated that the outfall drain would cost Rs. 1.15 crore while the storm water drain would cost 1.85 crore. The new storm drain would ease the burden on the proposed box culvert also, the officials say.

Last Updated on Monday, 21 June 2010 04:56

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