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Urban Infrastructure

RMC skywalk project hangs in balance

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Indian Express 01.03.2010

RMC skywalk project hangs in balance

Express News Service Tags : transport, skywalk, projects Posted: Monday , Mar 01, 2010 at 0219 hrs

Rajkot: After completion of 20% work, civic body forms 4-member committee for feasibility study

The fate of the ambitious Rs 3-crore skywalk project of the Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) is in the doldrums, as after completion of nearly 20 per cent work, the site has been put under the scanner.

The civic body stopped the construction at Kotecha circle on Saturday following apprehensions that the structure might lead to severe traffic problems in future.

The RMC standing committee has now set up a four-member team, led by chairman Kashyup Shukla, to prepare a feasibility report. “Committee members will visit the site on Wednesday and then take a decision,” Shukla said.

This comes after widespread complaints from residents and shopowners around the Kotecha chowk. Later, the opposition Congress also joined the protest. Last week, a couple of councillors from the ruling BJP had also questioned feasibility of the site.

They say there is no need for a skywalk just to connect two ends of the Kalawad Road from the Kotecha School-end to Nimala Convent road-end even as Kotecha Chowk is a junction of five roads — Kalwad, University, Nirmala Convent, Saurashtra High School and Nutannagar.

Their second major concern is traffic chaos, as parking is already a problem on the Kalawad Road. They say the project with a garden restaurant having 150 seats, a multi-purpose hall with a capacity of 50 people and seven shops does not offer a separate parking lot.

“It’s coming up at a completely wrong place.

We have been pointing out the problems at each stage,” said RMC Leader of the Opposition Narenadar Jadeja, adding, “The project must be scrapped.”

Aimed to ease traffic problems on the busiest Kalawad Road in the city, the skywalk, if it gets clearance, will be 42 feet high, 112 feet long, and 22 feet wide. It will have four capsule lifts on each side.

It’s a build-operate-transfer (BOT) project given to Ahmedbad-based Ken Infrastructure. Through the skywalk project, the RMC expects to earn Rs 51,000 every month.

Last Updated on Monday, 01 March 2010 10:45

Government turns builder to give Delhi a new look

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Business Standard 01.03.2010

Government turns builder to give Delhi a new look

Atanu Kumar Das / New Delhi March 01, 2010, 0:50 IST

In the next couple of years, India’s capital will sport a new look with the government taking its role as builder seriously.

Construction work for the Commonwealth Games is just the beginning. The biggest project is — unsurprisingly — the construction of 500 ministerial bungalows over 123 acres of land at New Moti Bagh.

National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited (NBCC) won the bid ahead of the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) because the government wanted the constructor to finance the entire project.

NBCC came up with the idea of acquiring 10 per cent of the 123 acres to construct a commercial complex and build the ministerial bungalows in return.

“The government is now open to the idea of making builders like us construct ministerial bungalows because they want the project to be delivered on time. Also, the government didn’t have funds for the project, so we came up with the idea of building them at our own cost and taking some land to build a commercial complex in return,” said Arup Roy Choudhury, chairman and managing director, NBCC.

NBCC has already delivered 50 bungalows and the rest are expected to be completed in a year.

Choudhury added, “Players like CPWD are quite understaffed so most of their projects suffer time overruns overtime, so the government is looking for fresh bidders who can have accountability.”

But that hasn’t stopped CPWD from taking on some big projects such as the Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhawan, the office for the ministry of external affairs, situated in the crossing of Maulana Azad road and Janpath. Covering 7.78 acres of land, the total built-up area will be 58.28 sq.m. This state-of-the art building will be one of the central government’s green initiatives.

CPWD is also constructing an office complex near Delhi’s landmark INA. The office will have six blocks and one of the blocks is earmarked for the office of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). The area covering this project is 7.64 acres and the fund sanctioned by the government was Rs 83.67 crore, which has now been revised to Rs 135 crores.

Another CPWD project is the General Pool Office Accommodation (GPOA) in Shahadra covering 1.90 acre of land at a cost of Rs 43 crore.

The government is also planning a commercial complex in Kidwai Nagar, though no details are available. M Ramachandran, secretary, Ministry of Urban Development confirmed this, but did declined to provide details.

The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) is also not far behind. It is expected to announce a mega housing scheme next month, where almost 15,000 flats will be up for grabs. The houses will be constructed mostly in Jasola, Narela, Vasant Kunj and Dwarka. Out of this, 8,000 are expected to be ready by June-July this year.

In the next four years, DDA plans to build 42,000 flats and in this year’s Budget the agency has funds to the tune of Rs 1,470 crore to build only residential units.

Apart from residential, commercial and office complexes, the Delhi state government is also building six new parking spaces and has commissioned C&C Constructions for the project. The areas covered in this will be Subhash Nagar, Rajouri Garden, Hauz Khas, Gandhi Nagar, Model Town 2 and Munirka. The project is worth Rs 170 crore.

“We got the contract to build six parking spaces and four of these will be completed before the Commonwealth games in October 2010, the remaining two will be delivered by December 2010. Each parking space will be able to accommodate 300 to 900 cars and will be a totally underground project,” said G S Johar, chairman, C&C Construction Ltd.

Last Updated on Monday, 01 March 2010 07:52

Expand our towns for urban growth. Why we must, and how we can

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The Financial Express 24.02.2010

Expand our towns for urban growth. Why we must, and how we can

Ranesh Nair, Isher J Ahluwalia

We have got so used to unplanned growth of our cities that we assume that town planning is a sport of ancient times as seen in the ruins of Takshila. Our cities are bursting at the seams and we still need to accommodate another 100 plus million in the cities over the next 15 years. Some of this may come from increasing the density in urban areas, but much of it has to come by cities and towns expanding into the surrounding countryside.

Acquiring agricultural land to accommodate the expansion of cities is unavoidable in India today. When this is entrusted to public sector Development Autho- rities as in Delhi, these bodies have exploited their monopoly position to generate inefficiency and corruption. When the task is undertaken by private developers, they have often failed to keep their promises on urban infrastructure, and those from whom land is acquired are not only displaced, but also feel aggrieved because they find the compensation highly inadequate, especially when they see the value of their land rise after the infrastructure is in place. Moreover, finding finance to build the necessary infrastructure has proved to be a major challenge.

The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission launched in 2005-06 has opened up an avenue for funding that allows for speedier implementation of schemes such as the Town Planning Scheme (TPS) of Gujarat, which has achieved city expansion with minimal displacement of people and active participation of landowners in urban planning, while also contributing towards financing of infrastructure investment.

The origins of the TPS can be traced to the Bombay Town Planning Act of 1915, and the system has been used in Maharashtra and Gujarat, and also sometimes in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. But of late, it has fallen into disuse. We found good examples of TPS in action in Surat and Ahmedabad backed by the Gujarat Town Planning and Urban Development Act (GTPUDA) of 1976, which was last amended in 1999. The system has been well-tested in court.

Ahmedabad and Surat have completed more than 100 TP schemes each. In Ahmedabad, the average area developed each year is about 3% of the current built-up area of the Municipality. The total area developed under TPS is about 300 sq km. Of this, 13% has been used for roads and 10% for parks, community centres, housing for the poor, etc. The Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority has built over 11,000 houses in the last 5 years for the urban poor using land obtained through TPS. In Surat, TP schemes have covered 137 sq km of which close to 25% is appropriated for public use. In the last 5 years alone, Surat has constructed 617 km of roads and 10,000 houses for the poor under JNNURM projects in TP areas. The scheme was also used successfully to plan the redevelopment of Bhuj after its devastation by the earthquake.

Under the Development Plan-TPS system, after the Development Authority of a town or city has drawn up a strategic decadal development plan for the town/city identifying the area in which the city is to expand and laying out the main contours of the road and transport infrastructure, the expansion area is divided into a number of smaller areas, typically between 1 and 2 sq km each. The TPSs focus on the development of the small areas within a framework of participative planning.

In developing the small areas, original plots are marked on a base map. Major city-level roads passing through the TPS are also marked on the base map. Planning then begins for public infrastructure, such as a subsidiary road network, parks, schools, hospitals, and housing for economically weaker sections. More recently, some area is also set aside for sale by the Development Authority to raise finance for infrastructure. A serious effort is made to keep the total proportion of land allocated for public use at an acceptably low level. As Bimal Patel, an urban planner and a major intellectual force behind the TPS, puts it, “If a road is to be built through the middle of the area in a TPS, every landowner within the TPS area has to relinquish a part of their land and squeeze up. The road-side plot remains with the original owner although it is now smaller by the same proportion as is every other plot in the TPS.”

The total cost of the TPS includes the cost of infrastructure, compensation to be paid to each landowner, and administrative and legal costs of preparing and implementing the TPS. The betterment charges levied on the landowners are determined on the assumption that half of the appreciation in the land value of the final plotholders can be appropriated by the Development Authority for financing the infrastructure. In this manner, the original landowners are converted into owners of urban, better-serviced land that is smaller than their original plots but much more valuable.

Landowners are kept well-informed through newspaper advertisements, public meetings and easy availability of maps of the proposed Scheme. After the draft scheme is finalised, the State government appoints a Town Planning Officer, an urban planner, who individually hears complaints from landowners in public meetings, and modifies the draft Plan to accommodate their demands. Each landowner gets 3 hearings, 2 on the physical proposal and 1 on financial issues. After approval from the State government, the final Town Plan is published in the newspapers, and appeals can be made to the Board of Appeals constituted by the State government. This participative method works in redressing most grievances, and use of conventional land acquisition methods is minimised. For example, for building the Sardar Patel ring road around Ahmedabad, only 13 km of the 76 km long, 60 metres wide road was acquired using the conventional land acquisition method.

The statutory provisions of the Act allow the urban local bodies to take possession of TP roads as soon as the draft TPS is approved. Since the TPS does not change the revenue status of the land, and any title related problems of any plot continue to attach to the new plot, another potential factor delaying infrastructure work is kept out of the way. Earlier, infrastructure investment could begin only after the betterment charges came in, and this could take several years. But now thanks to the JNNURM, TPS system is on the fast track.

Planning, participation and transparency have made all the difference. If Surat and Ahmedabad can use the TPS to meet the demands of growing cities, should other cities of India be left far behind?

Isher Judge Ahluwalia is chair, Icrier and chair, the high powered expert committee on urban infrastructure. Ranesh Nair is a consultant to the committee. Views are personal .

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 February 2010 11:49

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