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VMC plans to construct stormwater drain

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The Hindu      17.05.2010

VMC plans to construct stormwater drain

Staff Reporter

It is aimed at preventing inundation of one town when it rains heavily

VIJAYAWADA: The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) is contemplating constructing a stormwater drain from Jendachettu centre to eastern main canal of Krishna river. It is aimed at preventing inundation of One Town when it rains heavily. Apart from this, the Corporation is also planning to strengthen the existing outfall drain near Gandhi hill.

The officials have estimated that the outfall drain would cost Rs. 1.15 crore while the storm water drain would cost 1.85 crore. The culvert that carries storm water and sewage from One Town was choked as de-silting works were reportedly not taken up. Later, it was found that the steel used in the construction of the outfall drain was exposed.

Subsequently, corporator Mahadevu Appaji Rao, who represents a few important area of One Town, moved a resolution in the VMC general body calling for modernisation of the outfall drain. He urged the VMC to take steps to modernise the drain near Gandhi Hill, construct a storm water drain to divert the sewage to Krishna canal via BRP road or Nehru road. He expressed anguish over the general body not focussing enough on the development and problems of One Town.

Now, the officials plan to have chemical treatment of the outfall drain and take up repair works for strengthening the drain that passes beneath the railway station. The drain could be used for another 20 years with these steps, the officials say.

At the same time, the Corporation plans to construct a storm water drain from Jendachettu centre to eastern main canal. It was maintained until recently that the storm water drain was not feasible in view of water levels at the eastern main canal. The officials have always argued that water level at the canal was at higher altitude compared to low lying areas of One Town. So, construction of a drain would not serve the purpose, as the storm water would not flow into waters passing at higher levels. The Corporation subsequently hired the services of a consulting firm, RV Associates, to study the problem. The firm reported that the drain was feasible and hence it is being constructed, VMC officials say.

It may be recalled that the heavy downpour in August last paralysed normal life in One town area.

In most parts of One-Town and ‘gattu venaka prantham' (the other side of the bund), side roads and streets were inundated with rainwater, which impeded any kind of entry and exit of the people. It resembled a flood-like situation.

Last Updated on Monday, 17 May 2010 07:27