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Bigger houses near Metro, Brt corridors

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Hindustan Times  10.08.2010

Bigger houses near Metro, Brt corridors

The Delhi government has recommended the Union Urban Development Ministry to let property owners increase the floor area ratio (FAR) in localities close to the mass rapid transit system (MRTS) — metro and Bus Rapid Transit — corridors from the existing 350 per cent to 400 per cent. Delhi Urban

Development Minister Ashok Kumar Walia said the government now wants the areas being catered by metro and BRT to developed as “new focus areas”.

“We want new residential pockets and bigger commercial areas to come up in areas that are either being catered by metro or will have metro soon. We have recommended a higher FAR of 500 metres on either side of the BRT or the metro line,” Walia said.

Walia said the centre government was finalising the Special Areas Provision Act and had asked Delhi for its suggestions.

A special committee of officials from the Delhi Development Authority, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Urban Development Department and other such agencies was formed to survey Delhi. The panel came up with this suggestion.

The Delhi Cabinet on Monday approved the recommendations of the committee, which will now be sent to the centre government for approval.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 August 2010 06:41