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MCD’s database of plans to make building easier

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Indian Express   17.08.2010

MCD’s database of plans to make building easier

Ayesha Arvind Tags : MCD database Posted: Tue Aug 17 2010, 01:55 hrs

 New Delhi: Building a dream house in the city will be less cumbersome if the Municipal Corporation of Delhi’s (MCD) ‘simplify and expedite’ building sanction procedure comes into force.

The body is mulling over developing an online databank of ‘sample’ sanctioned building plans from which anyone who intends to construct a house can pick up a suitable architectural design. The sample designs will depend and vary according to the size of plots.

According to the Corporation, the office of Lieutenant-Governor has given a green signal to the plan. It is now being “examined and analysed by officials concerned of the engineering and building department”.

“Since the Capital’s landscape has distinctive characteristics, plots of a particular size have more or less similar dimensions and, under the building bylaws, too many options of architectural designs are not possible,” said an official of the Engineering Department, MCD.

“For instance, if there is a piece of land of 100 yards, it must be measuring 60x30 feet. We plan to construct a building on that particular plot under constraints of building bylaws, an architect may hardly suggest 10-15 designs or layout plans. The MCD has approved several building plans of 100 yards. We will upload those plans of various sizes of plot on our websites,” he said. The official added this exercise will help the agency sanction “building plans within a week”.

“Advance approved building plans will be available. They only need to mention the design number in their application for sanction,” the official said.

The MCD has also planned other reforms, including keeping a ‘log book’ that will be issued by the Junior Engineer concerned and will be kept at all construction sites. “Whenever a JE inspects the site, he will put in remarks on the ongoing construction, like whether it is complying with the approved plan. This will help to curb unauthorised construction. In case the owner does not comply with building bylaws, the said JE can be made answerable,” the official said.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 August 2010 11:20