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MCD's concrete plan to conquer rain fury

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The Pioneer  18.10.2010

MCD's concrete plan to conquer rain fury

Staff Reporter | New Delhi

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi has come up with a ‘concrete’ plan to get rid of potholes, especially during the rains. The civic body has proposed to use concrete slab to prevent roads from withering away in the monsoon. The civic body is also planning to stop using conventional technique of coal tar for constructing roads in Delhi.

Incessant rain just before the Commonwealth Games in September kept various civic bodies in the Capital on their toes. MCD continued struggling to repair damaged roads across the city for more than a month. Beleaguered over complaints of potholes and waterlogging during the last monsoon, Delhi Mayor Prithivi Raj Sahwney said concretisation of roads in Delhi is the need of the hour and this technique will enhance the strength and durability of roads. He further said the proposal is under consideration and talks are on with our engineers. “We have prepared a plan for constructing cemented roads in Delhi replacing old coal-tar technique. It is easier to construct concrete roads as readymade cemented slabs are easily available. Concrete layered roads have longer durability than coal tar. We are discussing the plan with our engineers. Cost and durability are two important factors. After proper deliberation, the new method will be adopted,” said Sahwney. He added, with the September experience, it has been observed coal-tar roads are washed away by rain easily and it becomes more difficult to repair them under such extreme weather conditions.

Sahwney said normally the age of roads constructed with old pattern is around five years but in most cases, these roads lasted only for two-three years.“As per the experts’ opinion, concreted roads have more life; more than ten years. Laying cemented tracks are easier and less time consuming also,” said the Mayor. In September before the Games, continuous rain in the Capital damaged 106 kilometer of stretch at 450 locations.Virtually surrendering, MCD has admitted its inability to repair them in the wet weather condition. Afterward, a special budget of Rs`66 lakhs was allocated to carry out the repair work.“It rained approximately 1,038 mm this season which is quite a lot. But we can start work only when it stops raining,” Municipal Commissioner KS Mehra said.

Last Updated on Monday, 18 October 2010 05:45