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Water table improves due to harvesting

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The Pioneer  27.10.2010

Water table improves due to harvesting

Chander Shekhar Sharma | Hamirpur

Hamirpur Deputy Commissioner Rajendra Singh has said that the water table in the district has raised due to implementation of water shed management programmes in the district.

Talking to reporters on Tuesday after taking the charge, Singh said that nine watershed management schemes had been approved and completed in the district costing about twenty-nine crore rupees since year 2000-01. These schemes have proved much beneficial for recharging the water table that was going down earlier.

Under the programme, 51,476 hectares of land had been treated and given a new look. However, he was pained to say that people were not taking any benefits of such schemes and it was a matter of great concern.

Singh gave a clarion call to the people to come forward and make full benefits of the schemes and programs launched by the central and State Government for their own benefits and well being.

Deputy Commissioner also exhorted upon the media to extend helping hand to the Government in spreading its messages of development to the people so that they were able to take benefits of the schemes started for them.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 05:57