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‘Regular programmes to promote Kannada essential’

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The Deccan Herald  16.11.2010

‘Regular programmes to promote Kannada essential’

Mysore, Nov 15, DHNS

Kannada Development Authority (KDA) Chairman ‘Mukhyamantri’ Chandru urged varsities to conduct regular programmes to promote Kannada among schools and colleges.

He was speaking at the inauguration of a two-day State-level seminar on ‘Modern Kannada poetry: Study and discourse’ organised by the Karnataka State Open University (KSOU), Department of Kannada and Culture and KDA. He said that KDA is organising 36 programmes to improve the use of language in educational institutions.

 Furthermore, Kannada learning centres are also being set up to make language learning accessible to the non-Kannada speaking population. Citing a report published by UNESCO, Chandru said that a language dies every 15 days in the World. He warned the audience that Kannada might also have to face the same fate if people stopped using the language.

Clarifying that he is not opposed to other languages, he said, our country has a diverse population and every language should be respected.

Classical tag

However, he bemoaned that Kannada was the only language that had to fight for obtaining the classical language status. Observing that Bangalore is home to 68 languages, Chandru said that many are able to live without using the local language.
Commenting on the changes taking place in the language, he said that instead of the language remaining stagnant, it should constantly reinvent itself to be relevant and also add richness to its character.

Chandru urged varsities to include old Kannada in text books to ensure that the language is sustained. He also demanded that Kannada songs should have simple language and meanings of the lyrics should be within the understanding of the majority of people.

 Also, he said, that if Gamaka is strengthened, old Kannada has hopes of surviving. He also demanded that during functions, instead of offering garlands to dignitaries, Kannada books should be distributed to the participants and dignitaries.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 November 2010 05:43