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People to ink their own plans for disaster management

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The Hindu       26.11.2010

People to ink their own plans for disaster management

Staff Reporter

VIJAYAWADA: Generally, when the sun is shining and life is going good, very few people like to learn about disaster management plans. But, it was not the case when a three-day awareness programme on urban risk reduction was organised by the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) in the city.

More than 120 children eagerly participated in the awareness activity, and equally enthusiastic were elders. They were, apparently, motivated by some of the life saving tips like preparation of a boat using empty pet bottles, dry coconuts or plastic drums, doled out at the awareness programme.

The result: vulnerable communities will prepare an action plan for their division while city disaster management plan would be ready by the end of 2011. And, it is vulnerability that inspired them to march towards disaster plans. As many as 37 divisions out of the total 59 divisions in the city have been identified as vulnerable in some aspect or the other. If it is landslide in a division, Budameru flood is a problem in another division, while low lying is a challenge for some others.

About 10 to 15 people from each division showed interest in preparing disaster management plans for their division. Of them, 2 to 3 volunteered to be part of 35-member teams of their respective VMC circles. The steering committee would be constituted shortly to prepare these action plans. By the end of next month, the committees would initiate the process that includes identification of weaknesses and strengths of their community. As part of the plans, they would also identify the resources and opportunities available in their division. All these form part of documentation and mapping, says N. Usha, UNDP Urban Risk Reduction Project Coordinator in the VMC.

Every vulnerable division would have its own plan, while this information forms basis for city mapping and plan.