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‘BMC won’t pay for Juhu plots’

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Hindustan Times  26.11.2010

‘BMC won’t pay for Juhu plots’

Buckling under pressure from the Opposition party, the ruling Shiv Sena has decided to acquire the plots designated for public amenities in Juhu area, but free of cost. The civic body will not let the open spaces go back to its current owner, the Juhu Vile Parle Development (JVPD) Cooperative Association. However, mayor Shraddha Jadhav has raised question over the ownership claims of the plot.

“The JVPD association has no right to serve the purchase notice to the civic body and ask for money as all plots designated public amenities are owned by the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority,” said Jadhav.

“We will communicate to the state government through municipal commissioner Swadheen Kshatriya to acquire the plots, without paying a single penny.”

Meanwhile, the association stands firm on their decision about serving a purchase notice.

Harit Desai, a committee member of the association, said, “All plots reserved for public amenities in JVPD are owned by the association. If the civic body wants to acquire these, they will have to pay market price.”

Jadhav said the final clearance to these purchase notices will to done in civic general body meeting on Friday.
Municipal commissioner Swadheen Kshatriya said they have written to the state government asking them to guide the BMC.

Opposition leader in the BMC Rajhans Singh alleged: “The mayor has taken some advance from the party to delay the process, which would result into lapses the reservation of the plot.”

Last Updated on Friday, 26 November 2010 11:22