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Make scheme more attractive

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The Deccan Chronicle  06.12.2010

Make scheme more attractive

The Town Planning Scheme must be employed judiciously under the provisions of Karnataka Town and Country Planning (KTCP) as the scheme is intended to redevelop an area and prevent haphazard growth. The Transferable Development Rights (TDR) which is used as a tool by civic bodies in Bengaluru, could be improved by making an amendment to the town planning schemes. Public should be made aware of the fact that TDR is just an option and that they can claim monetary compensation too if they do not like TDR. The TDR in its present form, is not attractive as the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) permitted in the city is higher. By reducing the FAR, we would be able to create a market for TDR.
Just giving TDR to property losers will not serve the purpose. A market should be created for TDR to make it more attractive and a success. An amendment to the town planning scheme can also make TDR attractive. For instance, if a particular road is to be widened by providing TDR to the land owner, the rear side of the affected property would also be acquired or identified. In the present scenario, property abutting the proposed road for development will be affected while the land owner on the rear side gets closer to the road without losing anything. The property behind gets a higher value and also gets closer to the widened road. Hence, the owner of the rear property would be asked to purchase TDR. He may even be asked to accommodate the land owner who has lost proper Various aspects will have to be considered before taking a decision.
(A. Ravindra, is advisor to the CM on urban affairs)

Last Updated on Monday, 06 December 2010 06:02