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Work on disaster management plan begins

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The Hindu      10.12.2010

Work on disaster management plan begins

Staff Reporter

The exercise is part of Urban Risk Reduction programme which will be implemented by 2012

Researchers in association with BMC will make a thorough assessment of probable risks

BHUBANESWAR: Keeping possible disasters and their impact on populace in mind, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation has begun spade work to put City Disaster Management Plan in place.

Ward officers of 60 wards under BMC were invited to a workshop here on Wednesday where they were informed about the different disasters that could happen in a city. As per the plan, 20 ward officers were asked to prepare ward-level plan to minimise impact of disasters and to deal with aftermath situations. Draft of the disaster plan for 20 wards would be ready by March next, said Gyana Das, State Project Officer (Disaster Risk Reduction) of UNDP.


BMC's Slum Improvement Officer Dillip Routray who conducted the workshop said focussed awareness programme should be devised and people should know their duties during and after disasters.

The current exercise is part of Urban Risk Reduction (URR) programme, which will be implemented by 2012. Upon completion, the capital could see a unified incident command system taking over the affairs from emergency operation centre during crisis situation.

Mr. Das said the BMC has already identified a control room on its office premise to start the work.

Researchers in association with BMC employees would make a thorough assessment of probable risks and disasters the capital could face in future for which vulnerability mapping would be done.

Among others Kamal Lochan Mishra of Orissa State Disaster Management Authority and Meghanada Behera of a programme associate of Urban Risk Reduction (URR) spoke on the occasion.