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377 buildings in city need immediate demolition

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The Hindu 03.09.2009

377 buildings in city need immediate demolition




Demolitions hampered by disputes, owners’ reluctance

HYDERABAD: Tuesday’s collapse of an old hospital building in Sanatnagar once again brought into focus dilapidated structures doting the twin cities. Old houses crumbling like a pack of cards has become a common occurrence, especially during the monsoon, and civic departments have been hamstrung due to inmates’ reluctance to demolish them beforehand.

Within core city area alone, i.e. erstwhile MCH area, there are 377 buildings fit for immediate demolition as engineers have certified that these could collapse anytime. As many as 737 old buildings have been identified more than five years ago, including 179 new and 558 old buildings.

As many as 728 buildings have been referred to the engineering section to check for structural stability and technical opinion was received for 302 buildings while final notices were issued to 568 of them. One hundred and twenty-five buildings among them undertook repairs and 244 were demolished in the last few years.


Last year, the State Human Rights Commission took cognisance of the perilous state of such buildings and directed the GHMC to take up demolitions. But, officials say that the disputes between owners and tenants or reluctance of owners themselves to move out to allow demolitions have hampered work.

“Most of them are poor and are in position to even do repairs. Demolitions can be taken up with owners’ consent only,” observed a senior official. Also, 36 old buildings have ongoing court cases. The fact is that this year, the Municipal Corporation is yet to take up any demolitions. Officials are waiting for the current festive season to be over to do so as they can get police support too. Officials do accept fresh inventory of dilapidated or buildings ready for collapse should be taken afresh as the figures available were taken a few years ago. Moreover, the list pertains only to ex-MCH area when there are many such buildings in the suburbs or erstwhile municipalities too. “We cannot rule out some high rises figuring in the danger list,” a senior official said.

Last Updated on Thursday, 03 September 2009 01:28