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Nagpur Municipal Corporation plan to encourage parking in buildings

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The Times of India    25.08.2012

Nagpur Municipal Corporation plan to encourage parking in buildings

NAGPUR: In a move to encourage provision of sufficient parking space in all types of buildings, the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has proposed to exclude the vertical space consumed by the parking area while calculating the building height, and the consequent marginal space to be left from the compound wall.

This is said to be a major obstacle in construction of sufficient parking space in buildings, say experts. Many builders do not want to lose out on the marginal space, so they restrict the height of the building by compromising on parking space.

The proposal will come up for discussion in the general body meeting on August 28. The NMC's town planning department has prepared the proposal. After the consent of general body, NMC will invite suggestions and objections on the proposal and then submit the state government. After approval of the government, the new rule will come into force with modification in the city's development control regulations 2000. The new rule will be applicable in areas in the jurisdiction of NMC as well as NIT.

Explaining the proposal, a senior NMC official said the rule aims to reduce traffic congestion by providing sufficient parking space in residential and commercial areas. "Construction of parking in the basement costs too much. Construction of parking floors is avoided due to the present rule, which makes it mandatory to increase marginal space according to increase in height of the building," said the official.

The marginal spaces are calculated according to the formula 'height divided by two minus four'. No one wants to increase the height of the building by constructing parking floors, as then they have to leave huge marginal space. "Now, marginal space will not increase even if height of building increases due to construction of parking floors," the official said.

Explaining the advantages of the new rule in systematic development of the city, renowned builder and senior corporator Praful Gudadhe said NMC had failed to revise the rules according to increase in population and also number of vehicles. "Builders and commercial establishments avoid parking floors due to some rules, including the one NMC is proposing to revise. Those who do not want basements and prefer roadsides for parking will now provide parking floors, and reduce inconvenience," he said.

However, there are apprehensions about the misuse of the new rule, considering past experience. Builders could build additional floors in the name of parking, and sell them to earn more money, said some citizens.

Admitting the chances of misuse, Gudadhe said all depends upon strict implementation of norms. "NMC should also make provision of strict action in case of any misuse. Besides, monitoring and action has to be taken regularly. Not revising the rules fearing misuse will not solve problems of population and vehicles increasing every year. Besides, the beneficiary buildings under the proposed rule will have to pay a premium according to rates finalized by municipal commissioner and NIT chairman," he said.

Along with this revision, NMC's town planning department has also proposed to amend development control regulations 2000 to allow NMC or NIT to grant transferable development rights (TDR) to those affected by reservation of land. Currently, NMC or NIT issue TDR for their purposes, but this is not applicable for other government departments like police, post office etc.

Last Updated on Saturday, 25 August 2012 10:05