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BMC extends deadline for map feedback

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The Times of India                  01.02.2013

BMC extends deadline for map feedback

MUMBAI: The BMC has yet again extended the date for citizens to submit their feedback on the existing land use (ELU) maps by one month. The new deadline is March 28.

The BMC has received around 3,100 suggestions and objections so far, and has pushed back the last day of submission following citizens' request.

The BMC had kept the ELU maps, prepared by it, open for scrutiny by citizens for the last two months after NGOs pointed to glaring mistakes in them.

The civic body has been claiming that the mistakes could be rectified quickly. The BMC's schedule to draft the development plan (DP) has gone for a toss owing to the repeated extensions of deadlines given to citizens for their feedback. The draft of the DP, which should have been ready by October, will now be delayed by at least two months. The ELU maps form the basis of the DP.

Errors pointed out include educational institutes marked as commercial land, slums not mapped or mapped as green spaces and open spaces and heritage structures mapped otherwise or not mapped at all.
Last Updated on Friday, 01 March 2013 12:17