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MUDA for layout on site-sharing basis

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The Times of India                       13.03.2013 

MUDA for layout on site-sharing basis

MYSORE: If all goes as per plan, the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) will develop its first new layout on a site-sharing basis. The project has been sent to the government for approval.

The proposed project will come up near Ballahalli, which is nearly 15 km away from the heart of the city. Under the scheme, the urban body will partner with farmers/property owners for development of the new layout. MUDA will enter into an agreement with the property owner to develop the layout and 40 pc of sites will be given to the property owner.

This means less investment by MUDA on purchase of bulk land to create layouts, which it has been doing since decades. With boom in real estate, availability of bulk land in the city area was difficult for MUDA as private developers had blocked land by paying farmers/property owners an advance. Now that MUDA has come forward to develop layouts on sharing basis, this may benefit the property owners as they would get 40 pc of ready sites without spending a pie.

Presenting MUDA budget 2013-12 on Tuesday, MUDA commissioner CG Betsurmath said they have reserved Rs 37.67 cr for the development of layouts, including those under site-sharing basis (40/60 basis) this fiscal.

"This is for the first time that MUDA is developing a layout on site-sharing basis. We are working out a plan to ensure its success,",he said.

According to Betsurmath, they have identified nearly 700 acres in southwest of Mysore near the village, which is next to Rabindranath Tagore layout. "Owners having a total of 100 acres of land have come forward for the project. We are awaiting government nod to proceed further,'' he said.

Under the scheme, MUDA will invest money to develop the layout and take some 60 pc sites from them. Owners need not spend money for land conversion and to develop infrastructure like road, UGD, water and electricity. The commissioner, however, said MUDA has not fixed specific amount on this score.

MUDA has reserved Rs 37.67 cr for development of layouts. The fund has been increased from a mere Rs 21.50 cr in 2012 and Rs 32.42 cr in 2011. The layouts include: Lalithadrinagar I stage (north), Nalwadi Krishnarajawadiyar Nagar, Swarnajayanthi Nagar, Lalithadrinagar II stage and Shanthveri Gopalgowdanagar II stage.

Rs 540.90 cr budget

MUDA will be able to generate Rs 140 cr revenue from distribution of sites in RT Nagar, Lalithadrinagar (north), Shathaveri Gowda and Ballahalli process and Rs 150.95 cr from auction of corner and prime sites, as against the projected Rs 540.90 cr budget this year. It is also seeking revenue of Rs 70 cr from private layout developers and Rs 55 cr from distribution of CA sites.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 March 2013 11:28