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DDA’s next: Stronger foundation for ‘dangerous’ buildings in East Delhi

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The Indian Express                       02.04.2013

DDA’s next: Stronger foundation for ‘dangerous’ buildings in East Delhi

After 70 per cent of all buildings on Yamuna floodplains were declared structurally unsafe in a survey by Central Building Research Institute, Delhi Development Authority (DDA) is about to hire a consultant to help in retrofitting or reconstructing 'dangerous or unsafe' buildings in the city. Most of these buildings are in East Delhi.

Pilot projects for retrofitting will be carried out in five areas. Three or four buildings will be reconstructed in each of these pilot projects. Retrofitting involves strengthening the foundation of unsafe buildings. This increases the earthquake resistance of the building.

"The five areas where pilot projects will be carried out are Lalita Park, Gandhi Nagar, Kondli, Lal Kuan and Fatehpur Beri. We are going to hire a consultant to tell us how to go about retrofitting or reconstructing these buildings," DDA spokesperson Neemo Dhar said. All of these areas have witnessed building collapses in the past. The DDA has created a special cell to manage these projects, in accordance with the Lieutenant-Governor's recommendations.

DDA officials said, the consultant will help them frame an overall policy for retrofitting or reconstructing unsafe buildings in the city. "This will involve the cost of retrofitting or reconstructing dangerous buildings and transit accommodation to be provided to occupants of such buildings. The consultant will speak to the owner of the building and determine whether it needs to be retrofitted or demolished completely and reconstructed," an official said.

Authorities are yet to decide who will bear the cost of retrofitting or reconstruction. If the pilot projects are successful, this exercise will be extended to other parts of Delhi. This exercise will be carried out by involving experts from IIT-Delhi, civic agencies, NDMA. National Institute of Disaster Management and the municipal corporation had carried out a vulnerability assessment survey of buildings in the trans-Yamuna area in 2011 after the Lalita Park building collapse incident.

A representative sample survey of 1 per cent of the total buildings (10,000 structures) was carried out using rapid visual screening in all 64 corporation wards in East Delhi, spread over 124 sq km. The survey of East Delhi revealed that the area is more vulnerable during an earthquake due to unauthorised construction, haphazard growth and lack of adherence to engineering norms.

To rebuild or strengthen

Retrofitting involves upgrading existing buildings to strengthen their foundation. This increases the building's earthquake resistance

A survey by Central Building Research Institute declared 70 per cent buildings unsafe in Yamuna floodplains

Pilot projects will be carried out in five areas — Lalita Park, Gandhi Nagar, Kondli, Lal Kuan and Fatehpur Beri

DDA is hiring a consultant, who will speak to building owners to determine if the structure should be rebuilt or retrofitted

If the pilot projects are successful, this exercise will be extended to other parts of Delhi

Authorities are yet to decide who will bear the cost of retrofitting or reconstruction

A sample survey carried out in East Delhi revealed that the area is more vulnerable during an earthquake due to unauthorised construction, haphazard growth and lack of adherence to engineering norms