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Paid parkings for industrial area soon

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The Times of India               30.04.2013

Paid parkings for industrial area soon

CHANDIGARH: With the industrial area becoming city's commercial hub as newly-opened malls draw huge crowds, parking lots in the area these days are chockablock with vehicles. However, the free run that visitors to industrial Area enjoy in the form of free parking may soon end with the municipal corporation mulling over a plan to convert these into paid parking lots.

On the request of the area councillor, parking wing of the MC is planning to conduct a survey of these lots to convert them into paid parkings. Presently the parking lots in Phase 1 of the industrial area are being largely used by factory owners for loading and unloading.

"There is chaos in Phase 1 due to improper parking of vehicles and designated free parking lots are being used by heavy vehicles, while lately lots of shoppers too are visiting the area due to malls coming up there. MC maintains these parking and therefore I have written to the parking wing of MC to convert these free parking lots into paid parking lots so that common public may utilize these spaces," said area councillor Satish Kainth.

Kainth referred to Punjab and Haryana high court's concern to take steps to stop parking on roadside areas and on road berms in the industrial area. "The court has already told authorities to take things seriously, therefore it become more crucial to streamline parking system in the industrial area," Kainth added.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 12:06