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Master Plan 2021 looks to enhance FAR for hospitals

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The Indian Express                 30.05.2013

Master Plan 2021 looks to enhance FAR for hospitals

As part of the ongoing review of the Master Plan-2021, a proposal for enhancing the floor area ratio (FAR) of hospitals and include a new category of tertiary healthcare centres has been made.

The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has also sought public objections and suggestions for the proposal.

According to DDA officials, there is part provision in Master Plan-2021 regarding advanced healthcare facilities, such as geriatric centre, but in order to cater to present day needs, more such facilities are required.

"Facilities like super-specialty and multi-specialty healthcare, types of rehabilitation centres can be provided by introducing a single category as tertiary healthcare facility,'' an official said.

Meanwhile, the existing FAR of the hospitals will be augmented, based on the width of the right of way of the road and subject to no objection certificate from agencies concerned.

Also, instead of categorising hospitals on the basis of area and population, hospitals will now be categorised on the basis of available floor area per patient and there will only be on category known as 'Hospital' instead of the the existing system of categorisation under the Master Plan-2021.

"For plots on right of way (RoW) less than 24 metres, FAR of 250 will be allowed. For plots on RoW from 24 to 30 metres, FAR of 300 will be allowed; and for plots on RoW above 30 metres, the permissible FAR will be 375. But plots falling under the influence zone of major transports corridors, like Metro and BRT, will be allowed 50 per cent more FAR,'' an official said.

Ground coverage will also increase by 30 per cent to 40 per cent.

"Up to 25 per cent of the permitted FAR can be for residential use of essential staff, dormitory/hostel for attendants of patients, creche, etc, for both hospitals and tertiary healthcare centres,'' the official said.