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‘Go for rainwater harvesting’

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The Hindu                 14.06.2013

‘Go for rainwater harvesting’

A rainwater harvesting structure under construction.
A rainwater harvesting structure under construction.

The GHMC has once again appealed to the citizens to avail themselves of its offer of funding 50 per cent cost of Rain Water Harvesting Structures (RWHS) in individual residences/apartment complexes and 70 per cent cost for structures taken up in public spaces inside colonies.

Technical assistance will also be provided for building these structures expected to cost between Rs.5,000 and Rs.11,000 for regular sized ones. Interested colony welfare associations or apartment associations can contact the respective deputy municipal commissioners in the local circle offices for taking up RWHS.

West Zone Commissioner S. Aleem Basha told presspersons during a tour of the area to study RWHS that tenders have been called for grounding 1,000 RWHS in the area and last year as many as 1,700 of them were built. The media team was taken to Hyderabad Central University (HCU) and a few other colonies in the vicinity like Gul Mohur Colony, Lakshminagar, Gachibowli, and others where several RWHS were built or are under construction.

Showing the way

Yet, Gul Mohur Colony residents are showing the way for rest of the colonies to emulate. Of the 500 houses spread across 40 acres, the place has 200 RWHS built by the owners and 10 more by the civic body. Similarly, Lakshminagar residents too have constructed 70 RWHS on their own .

Corporation offers to fund 50 p.c. cost in individual house/apartments and 70 p.c. in public spaces inside colonies.