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‘Self-regulatory building laws in A.P. effective’

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The Hindu 10.11.2009

‘Self-regulatory building laws in A.P. effective’

M.L. Melly Maitreyi

HYDERABAD: Realtors in the State prefer replication of revised common building rules, popular as GO 86 building bylaws in the State along with Andhra Pradesh Apartments Act across the country rather than bringing in the proposed Real Estate Regulatory Authority.

The Andhra Pradesh model of putting the onus on the developers and builders to adhere to the simplified common building rules and built-in provisions to make the builders forego substantial part of investment if they violated rules should be studied first by the Centre before recommending its Model Real Estate Act to States, they contend.

The rational rules in force for last two years significantly reduced violations, they opined. Creation of such authority would only lead to duplication of work in the State as most of provisions mentioned by the Model Act were already being implemented by local body/urban development authorities (UDAs), said C. Sekhar Reddi, president of Andhra Pradesh Builders Forum.

The draft of the Model Real Estate (Regulation of Development) Act formulated by Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation was put in circulation across the country for feed back from all stakeholders by November 6.

‘Empower UDAs’

At present builders have to get clearance from as many as 17 departments before they could start their project and the regulatory authority would become another additional window. Instead focus should be on empowering local bodies/UDAs in case of violation of rules and making government departments, agencies keep all the land transaction documents online at respective sub-registrar’s offices to prevent malpractices like duplicate registrations, Mr. Reddi told The Hindu.

The Centre’s model Real Estate Act which envisaged creation of Real Estate Regulatory Authority to regulate, control and promote planned and healthy development, construction and transaction with the customers.

The Appellate Tribunal for speedy resolution of complaints/ disputes eliminating the need to approach civil court was welcomed by buyers.

“The Act emphasises on protecting consumers’ interests by ensuring the builder to deliver the project on time or pay penalty and provide exactly what has been promised to the buyer in terms of area, amenities,” they said.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 November 2009 02:00