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PMC launches amnesty scheme in fringe areas

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The Times of India 25.11.2009

PMC launches amnesty scheme in fringe areas

PUNE: Following complaints of uncontrolled constructions in the fringe villages and the civic administration’s failure to keep a check on them, municipal commissioner Mahesh Zagade on Tuesday announced the launch of an amnesty scheme to legalise such constructions.

Zagade took this opportunity to appeal to the citizens to exercise caution and not purchase properties that do not have completion certificates issued by the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC).

The issue was raised on the floor of the House by corporator Dattatray Sasane about the civic body serving notices to residents of buildings that were constructed in fringe villages without getting completion certificate from the PMC.

He pointed out that demolition of such buildings would render many people homeless without any fault of theirs’ as it is the builders’ job to get these certificates.

Following Sasane’s lead, many corporators diverted the house’s attention towards buildings that have not received completion certificates for years and people have been residing in them.

City engineer Prashant Waghmare told the GB that an amnesty scheme would be launched and people residing in such buildings can then apply to the PMC with adequate documents to get the completion certificates.

Leader of the house Anil Bhosale, NCP corporators Subhash Jagtap and Dilip Barate demanded that the administration must streamline the process of issuing No Objection Certificates (NOCs) and completion certificates.

Bhosale said that instead of targeting citizens and issuing notices to them, the PMC should keep an eye on developers who resort to illegal constructions.

Zagade, while responding to the queries raised by elected members, assured them that a ward-level system would soon be formed to monitor such constructions in the city.

"There is a need to review the process that is currently followed to ensure that people do not start residing in buildings before the certificate is issued. There needs to be a faster and less cumbersome process in place. We will frame a time-bound programme for the same. Rules are in place to take action against builder if found guilty," Zagade said.