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PWD builds drains and leaves a mess

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Deccan Herald 06.01.2010

PWD builds drains and leaves a mess
Bagepalli, Jan 5, DH News Service:

It has now come to light that the Public Works Department, who built the underground storm water drains, were themselves responsible for its malfunctioning too.

The remains of the construction material used while building the drains were not removed once the construction was complete. Thanks to their shoddy work, the drains soon got clogged and sewage with fecal matter was spilling on to the roads.

Workers from the Town Municipal Council, under the guidance of health officials, started a massive clean-up drive on Monday. They traced the flow of the sewage to check for the blockage and found that the drain was clogged in front of Ganesh Medicals. This part of the underground drain was constructed recently by the Public Works department.

On Tuesday, the Town Municipal Council staff dug a hole in the road to enter the drain and found that the equipment used to build a centring during the construction of the drain was not cleared. Neither the PWD engineers nor the officials have paid any attention to this.
The TMCstaff cleared off at least 10 truck-load of construction material from the drain on Tuesday. The works were carried out under the leadership of health official Murali and Town Municipal Council staff Amar.

During the drive, residents expressed their ire over the lack of cleanliness in the region. “Piles of garbage lie on the roads, street lights in ward 1 and 2 do not work and heaps of unused jalli lie on the roads,” the residents complained.

They added that for the past one week they had stopped using the road as it was filled with sewage water.