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For city, DDA looks at best urban practices

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Indian Express 08.01.2010

For city, DDA looks at best urban practices

Emerging from a housing scam that cast a shadow over its already waning image in 2009, the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) is in the mood for a makeover.

The land authority, which has been criticised often for taking decades to upgrade its outdated flat designs, recently set up an International Cooperation Division (ICD). A statement issued by the DDA explains that the division has “been created for adopting the best practices in urban development in the context of Delhi. The division will be in touch with planning bodies the world over to work out strategies for development...”

Headed by Vijay Risbud, former commissioner of DDA (Planning) and now a consultant with the land agency, the ICD aims to branch out and keep abreast of technical advancements all over the world.

“We want to study various experiments being conducted in large cities the world over, such as a recent focus on ‘New Urbanism’ and sustainable development. Another concept we would like to study is reducing dependence on transport by creating urban infrastructure that encourages walking,” Risbud told Newsline.

Set up recently, the ICD is still finding its footing. The division has, however, already had its first external meeting — with the city of Barcelona. “Several officials from Barcelona came to visit us and made a detailed presentation about inner city redevelopment in Barcelona, and how they have converted heritage buildings while conserving their heritage value. It was very interesting; a lot of lessons were learnt,” Risbud said.

After studying international models, the authority would like to focus on whether they can be adopted, with or without amendments, for the benefit of the Capital, Risbud added. “We will conduct research, speak to relevant authorities at the national and international levels to know if these practices can be replicated in the Capital.”

While this is lofty aspiration for an agency that is yet to complete digitalising of its records, Risbud is highly optimistic. “We recently studied a model in Sweden where they have started redeveloping abandoned industrial areas,” he says enthusiastically.

Convert to e-filing in a year: DDA V-C
In tune with the present focus on progress, the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) vice-chairman has directed that all records maintained by the DDA be weeded and shifted to the electronic format over the next year.

“This is being done to ensure that we have a proper database for consumer satisfaction as well as for the retrieval of information,” a senior agency official said.

Last Updated on Friday, 08 January 2010 12:21