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City pedals green cause, to promote cycle tracks

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The Times of India 27.01.2010

City pedals green cause, to promote cycle tracks

Following in the footsteps of global cities like London, New York and Paris, Delhi plans to popularize and actively promote the use of cycles for commuting within the city. Chief minister Sheila Dikshit said the government will build cycle tracks on all arterial roads in the capital to promote this eco-friendly mode of commute.

"The government is keen to promote cycling on Delhi roads. Work on streetscaping of various roads in Delhi is being carried out and dedicated space for cyclists will be created on all these roads. Gradually, we will introduce dedicated lanes for cyclists on all major stretches," Dikshit said in a recent letter to the Delhi Cycling Club.
Cities across the world have seen a peculiar curve of cycle usage. As the areas became more urbanized, cycles were replaced with motorized vehicles. But once the cities have developed and battling to cut down pollution and chaos on roads, cycles start to appear again, with their use actively promoted by governments.

The same seems true for Delhi. Nowadays, cycles contribute to about 4% of the city's total commuting trips as against about 60% in the 1960s. It's something the government wants to change. It has already made dedicated cycle tracks on the first BRT corridor and cycle lanes are being planned on all the roads that would be streetscaped before the Games. Delhi Master Plan 2021, too, suggests cycle tracks on all roads.

Cycles can also be hired on the BRT corridor and at select Metro stations. But the service is being offered in a few places and is yet to catch on the way it has in UK, France, Denmark and Australia.

A lot of people are apprehensive about cycling due to the growing traffic. "There are many who want to take up cycling as a zero-pollution and affordable transport, but are not able to do so as there few cyclist-friendly facilities. Every month a number of cyclists are injured and killed by motor vehicles," Nalin Sinha, convenor of Delhi Cycling Club, said.

Experts say just creating cycle tracks is not enough. A majority of the existing cycle tracks in the city are encroached by unauthorized parking, two-wheelers and autos avoiding jams or hawkers and squatters. At some places like Dwarka flyover, the cycle lanes are covered with dumped waste and construction material.

In several countries, the government gives tax exemptions to promote cycling. Senior officials said proposals are being considered that would make commuters switch to cycling for all trips which are less that five kilometres.

"Cycles could be an effective feeder system for the Metro, BRT and even buses. We are looking at providing safe cycle stands where commuters can leave their cycles or even hire them for local runs," said an official.