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Rs. 445 cr. allocation to HMDA

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The Hindu 21.02.2010

Rs. 445 cr. allocation to HMDA

Special Correspondent

Provision made for Rs. 250 crore for Godavari water supply to twin cities


The Municipal Administration and Urban Development get an allocation of Rs. 3,261 crore

Under JNNURM, the State has provided Rs.1,750 crore as matching component for schemes

HYDERABAD: An allocation of Rs. 445 crore was made to the cash-strapped Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority in the 2010-11 budget.

The government has also made budgetary allocations towards State component for several major schemes under implementation by the HMDA. The Japan International Cooperation Agency funded Rs. 370 crore Hussain Sagar Lake and Catchment Area Improvement Project, got an allocation of Rs.60 crore. The JICA would extend an aid of Rs. 310 crore for the project.

Similarly, a provision for Rs.385 crore for the ongoing Outer Ring Road project and Rs. 250 crore for Godavari water supply to twin cities has been made. For the ‘Pedestrianisation’ project, an amount of Rs.1 crore was provided as assistance to Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation.

The Municipal Administration and Urban Development got an allocation of Rs. 3,261 crore for 2010-11, Rs. 690 crore more than that of last year. Under non-plan, the department got an allocation of Rs. 1,052 crore while that of last year was Rs. 982 crore.

Gainful employment

Under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, the State has provided Rs.1,750 crore as matching component for schemes sanctioned under the Central scheme for water supply, underground drainage, storm water drains, solid waste management and transportation in urban local bodies.

Under the centrally sponsored Swarna Jayanthi Sahari Rojgar Yojana to provide gainful employment to the urban poor, Rs.18 crore was provided and Rs.192 crore was allocated for the State schemes.

An amount of Rs.362 crore was provided for the ongoing externally aided project ‘AP urban reforms and municipal services’.

Last Updated on Sunday, 21 February 2010 05:39