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Harvest rainwater, solve water woes

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The New Indian Express 23.04.2010

Harvest rainwater, solve water woes

BANGALORE: Plagued by the shortage of water that has haunted the city for long, the Kumara Park Residents Welfare Association on Thursday held a seminar on ‘Rainwater harvesting: A solution to the future water disaster’, at the Institute of Engineers in the city.

“With the city facing water scarcity, one should try and invest in scientific technology of rainwater harvesting, which is cost effective and sustainable," said NS Ramakanth, a former president of the Welfare Association.

He said that rainwater harvesting is most suitable where the groundwater is scarce, electricity and water prices are high and where the water is hard or water service is unreliable.

Ramakanth also said that the system can be utilised by itself or in conjunction with other sources for both residential and commercial use.

The former association president also emphasised on the advantages of the new pop-up filter technology that is used in rainwater harvesting — the Rainy FL150 and Rainy FL 250.

Last Updated on Friday, 23 April 2010 08:59