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Urban Planning

GHMC clears path for Safilguda RuB

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The Hindu                           27.02.2013

GHMC clears path for Safilguda RuB

Special Correspondent 

GHMC Commissioner M.T. Krishna Babu directed the town planning wing to begin marking of properties for acquisition at Safilguda for the proposed two-lane road under bridge (RuB).

He said two more RuBs are being proposed in the area, including the ones being constructed by the Roads & Buildings Department at Anandbagh and Vajpayeenagar. GHMC will spend Rs. 31 crore on the Safilguda RuB, while the planning wing has been directed to speed up land acquisition as well as shift utilities lying on either side of the carriageway for the other two.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 06:29

Unauthorized buildings: Special task force’s wings clipped

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The Times of India                      22.02.2013

Unauthorized buildings: Special task force’s wings clipped

NEW DELHI: Following lieutenant governor Tejendra Khanna's order, the Delhi government in March 2011 set up a special task force (STF) under the sub-divisional magistrates. The task force was empowered to go tough on unauthorized constructions and crack down on land mafia. Two years down the line, the government has stripped the body of powers to act on "unauthorized constructions in municipal jurisdictions".

An order by the revenue department issued to all districts on January 18 reiterates the April 2012 cabinet decision that clipped STF's wings by directing the SDMs to steer clear of checking illegal constructions and leaving it to the corporations to issue notices. The SDM's role has been restricted to the gram sabha land under the revenue department.

The order, issued by Delhi's divisional commissioner and revenue secretary Dharampal, has been sent to all 11 deputy commissioners and the SDMs in the districts.

The cabinet decision came soon after the municipal elections in 2012 where the BJP swept all three corporations, dealing a blow to Congress which heads the Delhi government. "Each corporation can concentrate on checking unauthorized construction, both in private buildings and on government land," the cabinet decision had asserted.

Dharampal's order goes on to point that despite the cabinet decision, the officials of the revenue department had been checking the unauthorized constructions and even notices were issued by the SDMs in the areas falling under their jurisdiction. Prevention and checking of unauthorized constructions falls under the municipal corporations and DDA, and the revenue department has nothing to do with the subject of unauthorized constructions and application of building bylaws, he said. The order comes despite the fact that land does not come under the state jurisdiction. Moreover, the LG's order prevails as only he can revoke or amend it.

STF was constituted on March 30, 2011. Each SDM was to chair the body in his subdivision. STF was empowered to launch prosecutions and police were to register cases on their complaints. It was said non-compliance by cops would be considered as disobedience of orders and would be punishable under Indian Penal Code.
Last Updated on Friday, 22 February 2013 07:57

New proposal by EDMC to earn revenue

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The Hindu                        20.02.2013

New proposal by EDMC to earn revenue

Staff Reporter

Aim to fund civic infrastructure projects.

Soon mobile towers will dot the rooftops of municipal buildings in East Delhi with a proposal to let out the space to telecom service providers passed in the House on Tuesday.

According to the proposal, the rooftops of all municipal buildings except for schools, hospitals and dispensaries that are owned by the East Delhi Municipal Corporation will be let out to telecom service providers for installation of mobile towers through open bidding.

“The rooftops will be given out on a monthly rental basis. Whichever company offers the maximum rent will be allowed to install the towers,” said a senior official of East Corporation. The civic body sees this as a prime source of revenue with several of its buildings located in commercial, institutional as well as residential areas and most rooftops lying vacant.

“The new proposal has been announced as a means of becoming financially independent and to fund various civic infrastructure projects which have been announced in the budget for next fiscal,” the official added.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 12:02

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