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Urban Planning

RWH: ‘no’ won’t do for MCC

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Deccan Herald      19.11.2010

RWH: ‘no’ won’t do for MCC
Preeti Nagaraj, November 12

Resource The Mysore City Corporation which made it mandatory to have rain water harvesting system in prospective houses, is leaving no stone unturned in implementing it, observes Preeti Nagaraj

When Mysore City Corporation made it mandatory for the prospective houses to accommodate rain water harvesting system failing which they would not be issued ‘Completion Reports’ (CR), many thought it may turn out to be a damp squib.

But, over a period of time, MCC has left no stone unturned to ensure that the houses constrcuted after the order was passed had Rain Water Harvesting System. Even with a handful of people implementing this system, Mysore has been saving a good 30 lakh liters of water annually.

Mysore is among select cities which has made rain water harvesting mandatory in new constructions, especially residential buildings.

“Rain Water Harvesting is a highly efficient solution for water problems. And, most people have already understood its benefits,” says Commissioner of MCC, K S Raykar.

According to him, the educated ones know it better since they are fascinated with eco-friendly solutions, which is a way works better for the nature too!


And, those who do not understand RWH system, will be convinced about it being a highly efficient solution to their water woes. “They like the fact that they can use water straight as nature gives it,” says Shashidhar, Joint Director, Town Planning.

With strict rules in place, has MCC ever denied issuing of Completion Report to the house owners for not including RWH in their buildings/houses?

“No, in most cases people have complied with the RWH norms; though they are tempted to deviate from original plan as far as other parts of the house are concerned. With RWH, they are more than willing,” Shashidhar adds.

In the recent days, MCC has put a stop on issuing of CRs since last one year owing to certain reasons. In the interim period, about 12 huge housing complexes and apartments were issued completion reports.

“Out of one dozen complexes that were issues the certification, two projects were from earlier years, before RWH became a norm. However, in the other buildings, we did insist that RWH be an integral part of the neccessary amenities in the building,” said Shashidhar. Economical solutions that are being offered to create a RWH system are another reason why people won’t mess with it too much.

“When compared to the larger picture of building a house, there is very little cost that you seperately spend on RWH. With this affordability, both educated and not-so-educated also opt for it.

And of course, media has played a larger role in publicising the benefits of this system,” says Raykar.

“The system we insist on, does not cost more than Rs 1,500 to create it. So, it is really an efficient way of managing water resources without burning a hole in your pocket,” says Shashidhar.

Being one of the few cities which has made RWH system mandatory for buildings, Mysore is also aiming at optimum use of solar water heating units. If the citizens wish, soon Mysore can be India’s first ‘green city’ which fends for its energy needs with natural means.

Facts about rain water harvesting

* Every household in Mysore can save and store about 60,000 - 80,000 liters water during rainy season. This is enough to meet the needs of a family of four such as drinking, cooking and bathing.

* Rainwater harvesting sumps can be constructed alongside the normal sumps that houses have.

* Most easiest way of creating additional storage units is to use huge cement pipes to the desired height and close them with robust cement lids. 


450 old city buildings in danger of collapse

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The New Indian Express  18.11.2010

450 old city buildings in danger of collapse

The major tragedy in New Delhi where a multi-storeyed building collapsed, killing 66 people has not opened eyes of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) officials. Reportedly, there are more than 450 dilapidated buildings in the city posing grave danger to denizen’s lives.

According to officials, nearly 450 old buildings have been identified to be in a dilapidated condition and may come crashing down any moment. Incessant rains in the last few months has led to about half-a-dozen of them collapsing, claiming a few lives. But no action has been taken to demolish the structures. GHMC officials said another 100 to 125 buildings in city outskirts need immediate demolition as the engineer wing has certified these structures as weak.

The GHMC carried out a survey of dilapidated buildings in 2006-07 and identified 737 buildings as dangerous and unfit because of weak structural stability. They slapped notices on house owners under Section 456 of the HMC Act. Of them, over 125 owners undertook repairs and 244 were demolished in the last four years. However, some 450 could not be demolished. GHMC officials say disputes between owners and tenants or reluctance of owners to move out has hampered demolition work.

Most old buildings fall in the Old City areas like Begum Bazar, Sultan Bazar and Secunderabad. The figure is expected to go up after the GHMC carries out a fresh survey to identify dilapidated buildings.

Last Updated on Thursday, 18 November 2010 11:04

Betterment charges proposal moves ahead

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The New Indian Express  16.11.2010

Betterment charges proposal moves ahead

BANGALORE: The Taxation and Finance Committee has approved the proposal for betterment charge. The meeting, which concluded on Monday, approved the new rates proposed for betterment charge that would be sent to the council for approval and further be implemented across the city.

But the proposal to outsource technical operators for the The Automated Building Plan Approval System (ABPAS), has been deferred. Taxation and Finance committee chairman said there was a proposal to outsource personnel for operating the system but the committee had suggested that the current operators of the Palike could be deputed in the eight zones until they found suitable alternatives.

He said the system needed people with knowledge of AutoCAD to operate the software. He added that earlier they gave the contracts to agencies like Keonics but this time, he said they had decided to defer the subject. "We hope to find suitable alternatives", he said and added that "the commissioner has already asked for the system to be in place by the end of the month".

Speaking on the approval of betterment charges, he said this would be a good revenue generator for the Palike. Express had reported on September 19 that the court's order to stop issuing of Khatas in 2007 was causing a strain in the BBMP's financial well being.

Property tax, the main bread winner of the Palike, had not yielded as much as the Palike expected. With a view to crack the whip on all those who had not paid betterment charges but continued to enjoy the services provided by the BBMP.

Added to this, the newlyadded areas of the city had little or no planning until they were brought under the BBMP. Now with a view to regulate any violations, the Palike proposed to impose betterment charges for these areas as well. The BBMP Budget of 2010 announced that they could expect `120 crores from the same, once this is implemented.

Up to 1,200 sq ft = `150 per sq ft

1,2002,400 sq ft = `200 per sq ft

2,4006,000 sq ft = `300 per sq ft

Above 6,000 sq ft = `400 per sq ft

Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 November 2010 11:45

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