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Urban Planning

Kolkata on brink of civic disaster: World

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The Times of India   02.09.2010

Kolkata on brink of civic disaster: World

 Bank study

KOLKATA: The unplanned and unchecked real estate growth on EM Bypass and its adjoining areas, sans basic civic amenities, could spell disaster across the city, says a World Bank report submitted to the state government.

It outlines how climate change and global warming are pushing these areas "to the brink of civic disaster".

This first-of-its-kind study was conducted in some of the major cities in the country and identified Kolkata's environment as the most vulnerable and has a grim forecast for the Kolkata of 2050.

The study warns that those who have either bought or plan to buy homes along EM Bypass and other areas of the eastern fringes, like Tiljala, Topsia, Tangra and Pagladanga (Wards 58, 59, 65, 66) could be the worst hit by environmental degradation because of rapid real estate growth sans a matching improvement in civic amenities.

State chief environment officer Debal Roy said the World Bank study factored in Kolkata's social, economic and environmental circumstances. While identifying areas vulnerable to climate change, the team considered the state of a locality's drainage and sewerage systems and its hygiene standards. They were alarmed to find that ponds in eastern fringes are being filled up to make way for buildings that are being constructed in an unplanned manner in an area without a proper drainage system. Repeated waterlogging and accumulation of garbage is slowly degrading the environment.

Based on the report, the environment department is framing a new state action plan on climate change, Roy said. The department has been working on these lines for some time and had come out with a report a few years ago on ways to improve conditions in areas like Tiljala and Topsia. It recently decided to make it mandatory for billboards to be solar-powered.

Mayor Sovan Chatterjee said Kolkata Municipal Corporation would implement recommendations to improve the environment and include these measures in its own environment protection plan.

The World Bank had earlier sanctioned Rs 347 crore for development of Bengal's coastal areas after the state submitted an integrated coastal zone management plan. The environment department is preparing poverty alleviation and skill development schemes for the coastal population. The government has taken an initiative on energy conservation, particularly for high-rise and multi-storied buildings in the hospitality sector.

Last Updated on Thursday, 02 September 2010 11:01

Automatic building plan approval launched

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The Hindu  02.09.2010

Automatic building plan approval launched

Staff Reporter

Application, submitted online, can now be processed within a week

Earlier, approval was taking 20 days to one month

Refusal letters and objection letters to be mailed online to applicant

BHUBANESWAR: The Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) here on Wednesday launched automated building plan approval process which would now enable a person get building plan approved faster than before.

Under this system, architects or technical persons could submit building plan application online through internet without coming to BDA office.

They were required to upload the scanned files of their documents and building plans in digital format.

According to BDA sources, approval of a plan was taking between 20 days and one month. Now the process would take about a week and subsequently it could be reduced to four to five days.

Moreover, the applicant could know the exact position of his file sitting at their home through internet. BDA authorities claimed it would nullify chances of corruption which was often alleged against government employees dealing plan approval files.

“If a person sits over a file more than that of prescribed time, the file would automatically move to higher officer with an accountability note. Earlier employee could be asked for explanation for negligence,” a BDA officer said.

The refusal letters, refusal show-cause notice and objection letters will be automatically generated and mailed online to applicant and concerned architect for compliance.

Pune-based IT company SoftTech Engineers Private Limited was assigned the project to customise the off-the-shelf software product called AutoDCR which reads CAD drawing and produces scrutiny report with objections and reasons for same in few minutes.

BDA had already installed the software and tested its efficacy. The BDA which celebrated its 28th foundation day on Wednesday threw open digital plan approval process for general public.

Last Updated on Thursday, 02 September 2010 10:12

BBMP's plans up in the air

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The Times of India      02.09.2010

 BBMP's plans up in the air

BANGALORE: BBMP plans to generate money from four additional sectors. But is it feasible? Implementation could meet with stiff opposition.

Commercial transport vehicles

K G Ravindra, vice-president, All India Motor Transport Congress, told TOI that BBMP should not impose tax on commercial vehicles. "Nowhere in India is toll collected within city limits, but BBMP wants to collect tax for plying within the city. This is unfair. There are signal-free corridors in Hyderabad and Delhi but no toll is collected," Ravindra said.

He said there are 4.5 lakh vehicles in the city, of which 1 lakh are maxi cabs, taxis and buses and the rest are private vehicles. "It's a question of livelihood of 1 lakh drivers and owners. We may have to take steps to oppose it if the budget gets approved," Ravindra added.

According to B Chenna Reddy, president, Federation of Karnataka Lorry Owners' Association, four-wheelers for commercial purposes already pay Rs 20,000-22,000 every year as road tax, apart from fuel cess and commercial tax. "Why should we pay an additional fee?" Chenna Reddy questioned.

According to him, commercial transport vehicles, especially lorries, are allowed to ply only on 5% of roads in the city which in itself is unfair. "Plying on major roads is not allowed for heavy-load vehicles. It's unfair. We'll protest against this move of additional fee collection," Chenna Reddy said.

High-value buildings

Buildings with an area of 15,000 sq metres and above are high-value properties by BBMP. "What more improvement charges can be levied on us?" ask apartment owners. "There is a lack of accountability and transparency in property tax collection. If they collect tax from offenders, that will fill BBMP's kitty. For various reasons, there is no proper revenue collection from many owners," Raja Nambiyar, president, Diamond District Apartment Owners Welfare Association ( DDAOWA). Nambiyar and others are keen that tax be collected because so far they are considered as tenants, and not owners of their apartments even though they paid crores for purchasing them. The title deeds are still not in the names of owners.

Electric transformers

There's a plan to collect fee for electric transformers on BBMP properties. "With this move, BBMP will actually encourage builders to shift transformers outside their premises. Where the transformers should have been installed, builders might use that space for commercial activities," said a source.

Dish antennae

It's the same issue with cellphone towers and dish antennae atop buildings. When the issue is still pending in the high court, BBMP has gone ahead to include revenue from telecommunication companies for additional revenue mobilization.

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