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Allotting parking sites to ex-servicemen ‘non-viable’: MCD

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Indian Express   12.08.2010

Allotting parking sites to ex-servicemen ‘non-viable’: MCD

Express News Service Tags : parking, corporation Posted: Thu Aug 12 2010, 01:58 hrs

New Delhi:  Change of plans :cash-strapped civic body now plans to hire contractors for 176 sites, only 24 to go to former servicemen

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi’s (MCD) plan to hand over the management of its authorised parking sites to former servicemen in time for the Commonwealth Games seems to have hit a roadblock.

Touted as the “only solution” to the problems of unauthorised parking, steep parking charges and rude attendants, the plan has failed to find favour with most MCD members because of “non-workable financial returns”.

The MCD has now decided to hand over the management of most of its parking lots to local contractors, making all attempts to streamline the management of these sites by ensuring a “close watch”.

“MCD had earlier decided to not allot parking sites to any civilians and instead hand them to former servicemen. There were, however, some problems and now we have decided to hand over only a few sites for a three-month period,” said Leader of MCD House Subhash Arya. “If it works out fine, we will consider extending their contract.”

Of the 200 authorised parking sites under the MCD’s jurisdiction, 176 parking sites will be handed over to local contractors after a tendering process.

The agency will allot management of its remaining 24 parking sites — two in each municipal zone — to former Armymen.

Under the new contract, the contractors will have to ensure that all attendants are “uniformed and well-mannered”. The MCD will further install close circuit television (CCTV) cameras at parking lots in a phased manner, and provide attendants “electronic devices to give parking receipts”, said MCD Standing Committee chairperson Yogender Chandolia. 

According to agency members, the idea behind bringing in former Armymen to regulate parking lots was to put an end to the use of illegal parking lots. Officials said: “The bids offered by the interested former servicemen did not seem financially viable to the Corporation.”

Lieutenant-Governor Tejendra Khanna suggested earlier this year that former servicemen be roped in to manage parking lots.

The agency also has plans to “change the current parking scene in Delhi for the better in time for the Games” by ensuring all contractors put up maps of the area and available parking space on a mandatory display board outside their lots. The MCD has also directed them to demarcate each parking space by drawing yellow lines to avoid overcrowding.

By next month, MCD will also put up detailed maps of all authorised parking sites on its website. It has put up a list of 156 such sites and a list of the contractors managing them on the website.

Under new contract

The contractor will:

* Ensure all attendants are “uniformed and well-mannered”

* Put up maps of the area and available parking space on a mandatory display board outside their lots

* Demarcate each parking space to avoid overcrowding

MCD will:

* Install CCTV cameras at parking lots in phased manner

* Provide attendants electronic devices to give parking receipts

Last Updated on Thursday, 12 August 2010 11:21

Land grab near KPCC office?

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The Deccan Chronicle  12.08.2010

Land grab near KPCC office?

Aug. 11: Vasantnagar corporator Katta Jagadish Naidu has launched a fight with the help of the BBMP legal section against some people who have allegedly encroached on property worth Rs 250 crore in his ward.

While BBMP struggles to get back property under litigation, 4.33 acres of prime property, near the KPCC office at Millers’ Tank bed road, perpendicular to Queens Road, has been encroached upon by Mr Ramaiah and a Congress leader causing huge loss, he alleged. “Land measuring 3.29 acres on survey number 18 in Bilakkahalli village (Millers Tank bed) has been allegedly encroached upon by Mr Ramaiah. The BBMP’s struggle to get it back has been unsuccessful due to political pressure. Another 1.04 acres of land on survey number 16 has also been allegedly encroached upon,” he added.

According to documents available with Deccan Chronicle, Shantinagar MLA N.A. Harris had allegedly secured 12,500 sq. feet of land at survey number 324 registered in favour of Nalpad estates and projects.

Meanwhile, according to the letter written by the then principal secretary of urban development department, K. Jothiramalingam in 2009 to the then BBMP commissioner Bharat Lal Meena, it was stated that properties bearing number 319/1, 320 to 324 and 327 were BBMP properties. He had also demanded action against officials who had issued the khatas in an illegal manner.

Since the property registered in the name of Mr Harris falls under BBMP jurisdiction, questions have been raised on whether the property was actually purchased by Mr Harris. When Mr Harris sought a power connection for his property (number 324), the Bescom had written a letter to the BBMP to ascertain if the property was encroached upon and whether the power connection could be given.

The Bescom had sought this clarification as some properties on Millers Tank Bund Road were under litigation and some were BBMP properties.Earlier, city incharge and BWSSB minister Katta Subramanya Naidu had written a letter to the Chief Minister stating that about 18 acres of government land has been encroached upon by land sharks in collusion with BBMP authorities.

Last Updated on Thursday, 12 August 2010 07:07

Construction at 33 sites halted

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Hindustan Times 12.08.2010

Construction at 33 sites halted

Struggling to get a grip on the increasing number of malaria cases in the city, a desperate Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Wednesday ordered 29 construction sites not adhering to its malaria control norms to stop work. The norms include conducting fumigation, testing migrant workers for malaria and not permitting mosquitoes to breed by allowing water to accumulate on the site.

In all, 33 sites have been served stop-work notices. Of these, 20 sites are in the eastern suburbs and 13 in the western suburbs.

"We have issued stop-work notices to some developers as they have not followed the norms despite repeated instructions," confirmed P.R. Masurkar, ward officer of the R-north ward — Borivli.

The BMC has also sent warning notices to 635 sites across the city for not following larvae-control norms to fight the spread of the disease.

The notices have been sent after the civic body’s three special squads inspected the three zones: the island city, the eastern and the western suburbs.

Each squad includes officials from the health and building proposals departments and an officer from the concerned locality (ward office).

"They inspect the sites and if it’s found that a site is not following the norms, they have the authority to issue warning notices to the concerned developer," said an official from the health department, on the condition of anonymity.

In the past few days, the teams have inspected 939 sites and issued warning notices to 635 sites, of which highest number of violators, 296, are from the western suburbs, 252 from the island city and 87 are from the eastern suburbs.

The state government and the municipal corporation are battling to fight malaria, which as per the latest civic data, has seen a 55 per cent rise in the city between April and June as compared to the same period last year.

Last Updated on Thursday, 12 August 2010 06:45

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