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Soon: Reflective steel plates to dot city streets

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Indian Express           29.11.2010

Soon: Reflective steel plates to dot city streets

Khushboo Sandhu Tags : corporation Posted: Mon Nov 29 2010, 04:15 hrs

Chandigarh:  House indicator boards to cost Rs 3 crore to Corporation

The Municipal Corporation (MC) has mooted a proposal to replace the existing house indicator boards with those made of stainless steel in all sectors of the city, even when the problem of incorrect numbering in some areas remains unsolved. An expenditure of around Rs 3 crore would be incurred on the project.

While proposals amounting to around Rs 2 crore have already been approved for two road divisions, the proposal for the third division has also been prepared. The justification for the proposal is that the indicator boards that are already present require maintenance. Retro-reflective numbering on the stainless steel boards would be done to make the vision more effective during night hours.

The irony is that while the Municipal Corporation is making proposals for putting up such indicators, there are many areas where the numbering of houses is not correct. A survey that was being conducted to ensure that the numbering is in order has not been completed.

Councillor Gurcharan Dass Kala says, “The Municipal Corporation is passing projects worth crores of rupees which would be of no use in some areas as the numbering of houses is not correct. In Manimajra areas like Gobindpura, Pipliwala Town, etc has haphazard numbers. It is difficult to locate a house in the area. The issue was raised around two years back and a survey was to be conducted to correct the numbering. However, it has not been completed till date. Before making such proposals the ground reality needs to be kept in mind.” 

Apprehension has been raised about the proposal being approved for all sectors even when samples of the indicator boards have not been seen. Councillor Dr A P Sanwaria says that while he has been in favour of installing good house indicator boards as the old ones had been damaged, the Municipal Corporation should not start changing all boards at once. “These should be put up in some sectors and the response of the residents gauged. Only then should the civic body go ahead with the project as a lot of expenditure is involved,” he says.

The Municipal Corporation at regular intervals comes up with such proposals. Earlier a proposal was mooted to have structures at the entrance of each sector for beautification. Chairman of Federation of Sectors Welfare Association Chandigarh P C Sanghi termed it a case of misplaced priorities. “The Municipal Corporation has not been able to provide the basic amenities. For months the work for recarpeting roads in sectors is lying incomplete. Even a small task that is started is not completed on time. However, proposals like installing fountains in all wards that involve huge expenditure are frequently approved,” he says.

Mayor Anu Chatrath, however says that there is a need for installing good indicator boards that are visible at night. She says, “It becomes difficult for people to locate houses at night as the indicators are not visible. Many of them have been damaged. Installation of the indicators is required,” says Chatrath.

Last Updated on Monday, 29 November 2010 10:21