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BBMP gets park land for parking

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The Times of India       12.01.2012

BBMP gets park land for parking

BANGALORE: The BBMP sure knows how to have its way. When the civic agency proposed to build an underground car parking lot at the Indira Gandhi Musical Fountain park on Chowdaiah Road a couple of years ago, environmentalists were up in arms.

The BBMP shelved the project only to revive it in another form: widen the road, gobble up the park area and use it not to decongest traffic but park vehicles. That the premier lung space, where a National War Memorial is now coming up, is being nibbled away is not the civic agency's concern.

Work on widening Chowdaiah Road is under way at a brisk pace on the half-a-kilometre stretch abutting the park. The park's compound wall has been pulled down and another wall is being built 5.5 metres deeper inside.

S Somashekar, chief engineer, BBMP (major roads), confirmed that the widened portion of the road will be used only for parking space. "The front portion of the park had been earmarked for road widening to decongest traffic, but now the requirement is to provide parking for four-wheelers. A new single lane will be built in the widened portion and about 50 cars can be parked on this half-a-km stretch. This lane will not be used for vehicular movement, only for parking," he explained. However, the Palike is not clear who will be entitled to use the parking lot - visitors to the proposed war memorial in the park or high court judges or visitors to Raj Bhavan. The earlier underground parking lot had been proposed to accommodate Raj Bhavan visitors.


The Karnataka Government Parks Preservation Act 1975 says parks cannot be used for infrastructure works. When contacted, horticulture deputy director M Jagadish refused to comment on the issue.

The Indira Gandhi Musical Fountain Park is maintained and owned by the horticulture department. He said the issue of widening Chowdaiah Road was between the BBMP and the public works department which originally owned the park land. "The PWD has given away the land to BBMP," Jagadish claimed.