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Information boards only in 125 bus stops

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The Times of India   31.08.2012

Information boards only in 125 bus stops

NEW DELHI: More than a year after the Delhi government announced installation of the passenger information system (PIS) in all bus queue shelters in the city, the project is still languishing. Set up as part of the government's efforts to modernize the public transport system, the PIS boards were to be installed in 500 bus shelters in the NDMC in the first phase.

Several months after work started, only 125 bus shelters have PIS. Sources in the transport department said that work on the project had almost come to a standstill due to financial issues. "The vendor has complained of non-payment and as a result, work on the ground has come to a stop for the past couple of months," said a senior government official.

The project, undertaken by Delhi integrated multi-modal transit system, was implemented in September last year. The idea was to use the GPS information from the DTC and cluster buses, and make it available to commuters. Coordinating the arrival, departure and route of buses from the numerous depots and passing on correct information to passengers is imperative for the proper functioning of this system.

Interestingly, the existing boards have not been of much use. For instance, while 90 bus shelters on the BRT corridor have the PIS, information on the movement of buses is sketchy at best.
Last Updated on Friday, 31 August 2012 05:43