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PPP model for monorail project

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The Hindu     06.09.2012

PPP model for monorail project

Staff Correspondent

A preliminary meeting on the proposed monorail project for Hubli-Dharwad was held at the Deputy Commissioner’s office here on Wednesday.

Deputy Commissioner Sameer Shukla, Hubli-Dharwad Urban Development Authority chairman Lingaraj Patil, and officials of the Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation, Engineering Projects India (EPI) Ltd., and Scomi, a Malaysian company, took part in the meeting.

The EPI and Scomi representatives said the project would require an investment of Rs. 150 crore per km. Mr. Shukla told presspersons that EPI and Scomi had proposed to take up the monorail project through public-private partnership model.

Study report

The traffic study report conducted by the Directorate of Urban Land Transport in 2009 was given to officials. They had been told to identify routes to make it viable and submit a report, he added. They were told to prepare a tentative route map for the city in 15 days.A formal proposal would be submitted after the route map was approved, he added.

The next meeting would be held on September 22. Mr. Patil said EPI and Scomi officials had got information on the alignment of route between Hosur circle to the airport in Hubli, and from the Jubilee Circle to Karnatak University and the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS) Dharwad.

  • Officials told to prepare route map within 15 days
  • Next meeting to be held on September 22
Last Updated on Thursday, 06 September 2012 05:00