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KG Marg parking gets nod but cut to size

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The Times of India                      27.02.2013

KG Marg parking gets nod but cut to size

NEW DELHI: The multilevel Kasturba Gandhi Marg parking project was officially cleared by National Monuments Authority (NMA) in a meeting on Tuesday. While the clearance provides much needed relief to New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) and concessionaire DS Constructions, it comes with conditions relating to the height of the proposed structures. The parking lot will be 40m high as proposed, but NMA wants the height of the commercial building to be 21m instead of 40m.

NMA officials said they viewed the project keeping its main objective of parking in mind, which would help reduce pollution. "The parking lot will indirectly help in preservation of the baoli. Two buildings — one for parking and the other for commercial purposes — have been proposed. We have allowed the parking block to have a height of 40m as proposed. It has been advised that the height of the commercial building be reduced to 21m,'' said a top NMA official.

NMA officials reasoned that 21m height is what they have allowed for institutional buildings so far, so the same would be applied in this case. NDMC has also been asked to take measures for rainwater harvesting and work on improving the surroundings around the parking site.

NDMC and DS Constructions have been waiting for an NOC for three years and it has led to a massivedelay. The heritage bylaws for Agrasen ki Baoli prepared by Intach Delhi Chapter also affirm that the multilevel parking will not have an adverse affect on the baoli. NMA officials, however, said they had some environmentalists had been concerned about the water level of the baoli. "But the project has been considered from all angles and there is no threat to the baoli in ,'' said the official.

NDMC officials said they are yet to get the official order on the parking site. "We are happy that the project has been given the go-ahead. It has been pending for a very long time. As for the conditions, we don't have any information,'' said an NDMC official.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 11:55