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Green autos ready to take to the roads

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The New Indian Express 25.11.2009

Green autos ready to take to the roads

Nagesh polal

BANGALORE: We have been hearing of the green autos for a long time now. And finally they are ready to hit the roads. In a thumbs up for green punch in Bangalore, green autorickshaws were finally unvieled on the city roads on Tuesday.

These four-stroke vehicles relies on LPG for fuel and also has tamper-proof digital fare metres.

At the formal launch in front of Vidhana Soudha, Transport Minister R Ashok said that the drivers of these autorickshaws have been trained to attend to passengers with courtsey and maintain certain - driver-customer etiquettes.

With the introduction of green autos the countdown for the eventual phase out of original noise makers and smoke emitters on Bangalore’s roads begun. What is more, the autos coming into the market hence will be of the specified new make only, the minister has said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 25 November 2009 11:38