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A boost to urban transport

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The New Indian Express 17.12.2009

A boost to urban transport

KOCHI: The city’s urban transport sector is going to get a facelift with the Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) appointing the Global Works International Corporation to conduct a feasibility study to strengthen Kochi’s existing transport policy framework.

As per the agreement, the pre feasibility study by Global Works will encompass elements of infrastructure and identify priority transport investments for citizens in a way that does not damage the environment.

“Global Works will submit the study report within five months. After analysing the report, CDIA will act as a facilitator of the Corporation and help in identifying potential investors from across the globe,” said Balakrishnan Elangovan, senior programme specialist, CDIA (India).

The other major objectives of the feasibility study include building and strengthening the capacity of key institutions involved in the management and delivery of the transport sector and obtaining support in identifying gap funding for Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) projects for urban transportation projects in Kochi.

Apart from strengthening Kochi’s existing City Mobility Plan, the study will help in identifying new institutional arrangements for effective transport sector management. “We will prepare a roadmap for Kochi, which will comprise the entire transport infrastructure facilities in a single framework. We will hold discussions with various stakeholders of the civic body to gather their valuable suggestions to strengthen the framework. Just like a cricket team preparing a game plan for a match, the road map will serve as the master plan for the overall development of urban transport facilities in the city,” said Global Works technical director Peter Turner.

Turner said the study will focus on water transport as well. “The final output of the feasibility study will cover an analysis of the urban transport challenges faced by the city. We will review the previous studies conducted in this regard and key documents on urban transport,” he added.

Earlier, Mayor Mercy Williams said that the expertise of US-based Global Works International Corporation, one of the leading technical consultancies that formulated infrastructure investment packages for developing economies of Asia, Africa and the Pacific, would help in the reformation of the existing infrastructure utilities of the city.

Balakrishnan said that the CDIA will focus on supporting Kochi for better urban management with the help of national urban strategies, fostering sustainable development, assisting in the implementation of city development strategies, structuring and preparing investment projects and building local capacity for more effective implementation. The CDIA will cooperate with existing networks like JNNURM and KSUDP for sharing and adopting best practices.

CDIA is an Asia-wide regional initiative jointly supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Spanish Government. The grant allotted by CDIA for the feasibility study is Rs 2 crore.

“CDIA will offer assistance to the Corporation to market these projects to potential financiers,” Balakrishnan added.

Last Updated on Thursday, 17 December 2009 11:17