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Waste water at your own peril

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Deccan Chronicle      20.05.2010

Waste water at your own peril

May 20th, 2010

May 19: In a city where water is scarce in many parts, wasting the precious commodity is nothing short of sinful. Now it will be criminal too. Anyone found wasting water or using a domestic connection for non-domestic purposes will in future invite a fine of Rs 5000 or six months imprisonment or both under the the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage and Certain Other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2009 which has received the Governor's assent.

BWSSB chairman P. B. Ramamurthy says while the act has come into effect, the board has not yet taken action against anyone under its provisions.

But it can do plenty if it wants as stealing water or getting water supply through an illegal connection and tampering with meters or damaging them to prevent accurate metering of water consumed can send people to prison for upto three years . Also, if anyone is found guilty of contaminating water, the board can cut off his or her water supply immediately.

Those letting their sewage into storm water drains meant for carrying rain water may find their sewerage lines disconnected and face a six month term in prison or a Rs 5000 penalty or both.

Hiring anyone other than a licensed plumber for work on a water connection can invite a fine of Rs 2000 or six months in prison or both. If the licensed plumber demands more than the charges prescribed, he will have pay a fine of Rs 1000 or spend six months in prison or both.