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State plans stringent norms against exploitation of ground water in 2011

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Indian Express    11.06.2010

State plans stringent norms against exploitation of ground water in 2011

Surbhi Khyati Tags : exploitation of ground water, lucknow Posted: Fri Jun 11 2010, 02:32 hrs

Lucknow:  In view of over exploitation of ground water resources, which has doubled in the last four years in the state, the government hopes to pass a draft Bill on conservation, protection and development of ground water by the year-end.

“The Bill, which has been already circulated for public opinion till July 5, will most probably be made into an Act by the year-end,” said Lakhiram Nagar, Minister of State for Minor Irrigation Department, in Lucknow on Thursday. Speaking on the occasion of Ground Water Conservation Day, Nagar added if the state does not start conserving water now, it will not be in a position to do much later.

According to the state government, UP will be the first state in north India to implement such Act which has been based in a model Act circulated by the Centre in 2005.

“We will be organising public workshops and discussion, after which the final draft will be presented to the state Cabinet before being tabled before the Assembly,” said Susheel Kumar, Principal Secretary, Minor Irrigation Department.

According to Kumar, the Act — Uttar Pradesh Ground Water Conservation, Protection and Development (Management, Control and Regulation) Act, 2010 — will not affect the general public but the bulk users of water as well as the industries.

“With the implementation of the Act, all existing and new bulk, commercial and industrial users in the non-identified blocks (See Box) will need to register themselves and use water according to the given limits. But in the over exploited and critical blocks, no new connections will be granted unless the water level is brought up to normal level,” said Kumar. 

“Each district will have its bulk users defined according to the availability of water. Any body exceeding the limits of water consumption will henceforth be penalized,” he added. It will also be mandatory for bulk users to adopt rain water harvesting and recharging techniques.

Last Updated on Friday, 11 June 2010 09:54