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MP, MLAs to decide on drinking water project

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The Deccan Herald  26.08.2010

MP, MLAs to decide on drinking water project

Madikeri: Aug 25, DHNS:

Madikeri CMC general meeting decided to allow MP and MLAs to take a decision on Kundamestri or Betri drinking water project within a week. The CMC in association with MP and MLAs will decide whether Kundamestri or Betri project should be implemented in the district.

The CMC general body meeting was held under the presidentship of CMC President P D Ponnappa on Wednesday.

MLC M C Nanaiah said that instead of undertaking Kundamestri project at the cost of Rs 30 crore, it would be better if the authorities undertake the work on Betri project. With the Betri project, CMC will not have to go for an alternative drinking water project in the future.

He said instead of Kundamestri project, it would be better if the authorities make arrangement for the supply of water from Cauvery river. With the Kundamestri, there were all possibilities of shortage of drinking water in the future.
“I have only suggested to undertake drinking water project from Cauvery river. There is no hidden agenda behind the move. It is left to the CMC to accept or reject my suggestion,” he clarified.

“In case if the CMC decides to undertake Kundamestri project, then it should be restricted to Rs 7.5 crore project. The CMC should not borrow loan to undertake the project at the cost of Rs 15 crore,” he added.

CMC President P D Ponnappa and Commissioner K Srikanth Rao said that the state government and CMC had decided to undertake Kundamestri water project at the cost of Rs 15 crore. Sai Sudheer Infrastructure Company of Hyderabad will be given the tender contract on September 18. In this background, the approval of the CMC for the project is essential.

Reacting to it, Nanaiah said that with the Union government refusing to release Rs 23 crore for the project, the CMC and the state government decided to undertake the project.

 In the meantime, contract had not been given to Sai Sudheer Company yet. If the contract letter is given by September 18, it would take atleast three to four years to complete the project.

Member K S Ramesh said that to undertake Betri project, a project proposal needs to be prepared. With this, the implementation of the project will be delayed.
Ponnappa said that a sum of Rs 30 crore would be required to get water from Vanachalu. A sum of Rs 55 crore would be required to get water from Betri which is 21 kms away from Madikeri.

However, Nanaiah reiterated that Rs 30 crore would be required for the implementation of Betri project.

T M Ayyappa said that the decision on Kundamestri or Betri project can be taken after holding the discussion with Assembly Speaker K G Bopaiah, MLA M P Appacchu Ranjan, MLC M C Nanaiah, T John.

Ponnappa decided to convene an emergency meeting within a week.
Earlier giving information on Kundamestri project, Karnataka Water Supply and Drainage Board Assistant Executive Engineer Rajgopal said the CMC and state government had decided to implement the project on 50:50 share.

The state government will provide a loan of Rs 15 crore to CMC. The CMC had to return it without the interest. The Board had decided to implement the project. In case if the project cost increases, then it had to be borne by the CMC itself.

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 August 2010 10:43